Friday, September 23, 2011

Bangari Content Gallery and Project Exodus: Boiled down

This is who is on the “Masthead” so far, of this new site, Bangari Content Studios, that we believe is going to rise up out of the ashes of the content farms, and get content producers the pay and recognition they deserve for their art:

(alphabetical by first name)

Jerry Walch - Kevin Leland - Martha Jette - Petal Mashkari - Sally Collins Sanya Harika -
Teal Blackwell -

We are hoping to add about six more names, but are waiting for responses.

We have posted a bunch of stuff about our ideas, plans, goals and philosophies. This post is to boil all that down to just the “what to do” I’m going to resist the temptation to give the “whys” There will be plenty more on that later...and I think I’m going to do it by video posts. So, boiled down as much as possible, here it is:

  1. Collect up all our content (articles, photos, videos) and organize in Google docs by Author>Topic>Subtopic>Title.
  2. Create a Google Blogger Blog named “(First name) (Last name) Published Content Clearing House
  3. Post a list of all our domains (sites, blogs, content farm posts) on Bangari Blog and then start our link building campaign by following each other, and posting to each other’s domains.
  4. Buy, learn and master “The Best Spinner.” Purchase it from Bangari Content Gallery. When we get set up as an affiliate, and our site will make a commission on the sale of these robots.
  5. Hand spin, robot spin, flat spin, nested spin and data merge our collected written content, using this amazing application that turns one article into many unique articles.
  6. Post a spun-out version of each piece of our content on Bangari Content Gallery, again, by Author>Topic>Subtopic>Title. This will collect passive revenue, while offered for sale.
  7. Post spun out versions on our “clearing house” blog and our other domains -being careful which directions our links go. Passive revenue can be earned at our individual sites as well -from our own content and our team members’ content too!

Through cutting edge competitive intelligence, a huge piece of which has already been accomplished, we will find companies who want our content. With proper link building, mentioned above, they will find us.

They buy our content, as is, cash on the barrel head. No contracts, no scope creep,
no money chasing, no bullshit. Surely, there will be requests for further “customization” of this content, which is fine. We will gladly accommodate this, being careful that each of us gets a fair shake, and are mutually satisfied with the agreement.

There are some link-building and search engine optimization services built into this plan that increase the value of these spun out versions of our content -tremendously. It’s all completely “white hat” and probably a little difficult to understand, but that’s a good thing. Google will love it. Our clients will appreciate it (they’ll have no choice) ;-) -I’ll explain these secrets to those of us on the Masthead, as I teach the basics of SEO that need to be understood before the company “secrets” can be understood. Then, we’ll keep it on a “need to know” basis, holding onto our secrets to the benefit of all our content producers for as long as possible.

The crucial time to practice flawless counter competitive intelligence is from now, until we have put together a core team of 12 founders and get our recruitment campaign rolling. Once we have built our team of, hopefully, hundreds of very talented, under paid, under-appreciated content producers who understand how and why they got screwed by the content farms join us under “Project Exodus", and win them over long term by treating them fairly, with the respect they deserve, we will be unbeatable. It could turn into a huge wave.

One of the best parts of Project Exodus is that all of our hard work to this day for these content farms...Will NOT go to waste! Consider that work as planting “content seeds” that grew into seedlings (on these content farms) that now need to be transplanted and cultivated into a crop that is going to produce fruit for it’s creators -indefinitely!

Here is a piece of a semi-recruiting post I did:

We are calling this “Project Exodus.” Anyone willing to join us is more than welcome. We still have a few slots available for those, like myself, who can devote full time work to setting this up. Wanna be on the Masthead? Either way, if you are just looking to do what you were hoping to do on these content farms, get paid a decent wage (we consider .03 per word minimum fair) to produce quality content, and show off your talent and smarts...Join us! You need to be willing to take Internet content production to the next level. There is somewhat of a steep “learning curve.” There is a writing application that you would need to master, that is key to the success of this project. You would need to learn about SEO, and especially the difference between Black Hat and White Hat methods of link building and search engine optimization. We are going to be “white hat” i.e., we will work with Google’s vision to provide their search engine users with a positive experience. We don’t try to get over on them! Once we prove to Google that we are on their side, I expect they will adjust to support us, instead of changing things like they recently did to shake off the parasites that leeched off them.

The rest of it is posted here:

Response to The Death of Content Farms


  1. I just created my new blog "Sally Collins Published Content Clearing House." I read your directions, but I'm still a bit lost. Is this different than the blog you asked me to do where I posted my links and everyone else sent their links?

    I think I am supposed to put published content in there, since that is the name of the blog... but is it old content or new content or newly spun content?

  2. Here is the link to my new blog:

  3. My surname is misspelled here and on the gallery - Mashraki.
    Is the BCG already set up to sell the robot?
    So now I understand why so many versions of the same article, and each sold to a different customer as a unique piece?
    Link direction - all links go TO the gallery, right?
    Is it set up so we can already try putting an article or two through the process you mention?
    If I understand correctly we don't remove the original article from the farm, but actually if we want to and it's not making money anyway we might as well.
    Here is the link to my new blog:
    couldn't fit my whole name in the URL so called it PM...
    Is the company name B C Gallery or B C Studios?

  4. Kevin, I am not sure what you want us to do... will our clearing house be something different than we have already done? Or are these articles we write for the gallery? and then place on the blog?

  5. Are we suppost to be filling in the work completed form for articles from "Exodus" and then again when we spin articles from "Exodus". THis mights be logical, and then not to get payed now but hopefully in the future when the content sells, to calculate earnings. I haven't word counted yet, let me know if I should be doing that.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. YES! Good point Petal! I meant to say that and forgot. When the money starts rolling in from this project, we need to know how to divvy it out. We can cooperate on each others articles, because as Martha suggested, it's beneficial to have a different author do the hand spin, and yes another to robot pin synonyms.

    Also, Bangari Content Gallery is the company...The blog, and our private site is "Studio" "Studio" where we create the content...."Gallery" being where it is displayed and sold.

    @Sally Your Published Content Clearing House is a blog where you put a spun out copy of every piece of content you ever wrote. It doesn't have to have a theme. That will link to your page on Bangari Content Gallery, wher you will have a spun out piece of that same content, except with photos and other multimedia...(Imagine all those medical articles we wrote for Liberator with original photos accompanying them!) That's what we're selling. now if you want to put yet another spun out copy on a different personal blog that is on that topic, fine. And with them all being linked (already) to Bangari blog, they'll go crazy in the search engines, and whatever advertising you have there will earn you your own money outside of Bangari Gallery! Just no links from Bangari to any of the personal blogs...That is what Bangari Blog is for...
