Friday, September 16, 2011

Let's Welcome Michelle Hermann to the Team!

Hi Team!

We have a new member.  She is new to you, but she isn't new to me.  She has been an 'invisible' part of the team for awhile; she helped me a great deal when Carol was sick during the Billy's Project we did.  She helped me before the team grew from Kevin, Carol and myself.  Michelle is now on board and will be writing under her own name, rather than mine.  I couldn't have managed for as long as I did on that project without her helping me get some of the content written.

Michelle is mom to 9 fur-babies.  She is also a great friend to the birds that happen by her home for a snack.  Michelle has worked for many years as a legal secretary.  She is a great blogger (with over 10,000 views) and SEO writer.  She has worked as my ghostwriter, and she also ghosts for a novelist.  Please welcome Michelle as an official part of the Bangari team.  I am very excited to have her here.




  1. Welcome Michelle!

    Thanks for pointing out that we don't have an official "Welcome aboard" protocol...Guess what? You are in charge of that now!

    Start a post called "Welcome aboard protocol" and get a discussion going that will include instructions on the different steps a new recruit needs to go thru to officially join the team, starting with filling out their application on BCS, to doing a bio, to a "welcome message" like Sally did (although you will take over that part too.)


  2. This will be great fit for Michelle. She is so very talented. I'm so proud of her. She has so much talent!

  3. Aaahh...thank you both so much. Although, I have to point out that without Sally's help, support and her AWESOME compliments to the work that I do as a writer, I might not have ever pursued this. I do appreciate you Sally in more ways than I could ever express verbally.....

    Thank You....

    Love to everyone.....from the Western side of the World...


  4. Michelle I welcomed you in the email Sally had sent, but I didn't have a chance to welcome you here as my electricity was off for over 18 hours

  5. To begin with, an 'official' Welcoming site would be very beneficial to us and to this site. I believe that by doing this, we can view, and more importantly, we can determine whether the writer has been vetted. I think that we should try to get some sort of a sample of the writing before we commit anyone to this site or accept their writing.

    Trust me, based on a person's 'word' alone means absolutely nothing to me anymore. I have come to believe that, if you truly want to be a writer, article content writer or a part of this team, then you should be asked to prove yourself. I was more than happy to do this when I ghosted for Sally. Although her original sample articles really gave me a run for my money so to speak.

    However, in asking a person to produce a sample of their writing, this causes that person to get out of their 'element' or their 'comfort zone' and write about something that they probably would never have given a second thought to. This allows us to view it, and decide for ourselves if they are a true writer or just copying someone else's work.

    I don't like cheaters.....

    Just a thought! Let me know what you all think!



  6. Hi Carol Roach...

    Thank you so much for your kind and wonderful, 'welcome aboard' comments. I do understand about the issues with electricity. Though I don't have those types of issues, I do have some issues with my computer. There are just some days that I have seriously considered putting it underneath my Expedition and running this darn thing over....the just gotta love it!

    Thanks again...

    I look forward to working with all of you and writing some excellent content!



  7. Just stopping by to welcome you, Michelle.

    All the Best,
