Monday, September 26, 2011

Making multiple versions of your spun content on TBS

Hi Everyone!

If you click any of the links to the TBS robot below, it should get us a commission if you but it. No rush! I'll set up a neater sales page for this, on the Bangari Content Gallery site soon, but for now, if you want to look it over, just click away!

I’ve been experimenting with The Best Spinner.  The best way to figure some things out is to just keep working with it.  I finally figured out how to make multiple versions of articles.  I just spun an article and then made 3 versions simultaneously.

If you haven’t gotten TBS yet, it is a good piece of software.  It can make up to 1000 versions of an article.  All I had to do was flat spin the article and then click on the X at the top. I put the number of copies that I want written in the space provided. I request all the versions to go on one document and then save it. There is a #BREAK# between each copy. This is awesome!

I have not figured out how to do the data merge yet. I will have to find a tutorial video and see if I can learn how to use it.

I didn’t do any nested spinning on mine, because the one I did not get read by the robot at all.. So I had to start all over again from scratch. 

Does anyone else have TBS?

If you want to purchase a week long, scam free trial  (for $7) click here


  1. I thought I'd wait until I have some spun articles to unspin before I get it, also Kevin mentioned it being sold on BCG so thought I'd get it from there.

  2. Great job! I keep losing posts, cuz I'm not doing them in docs...

    Let's come up with some operational procedures, and work semantics before we get too far ahead of ourselves with all this new-found information!

    What should we call the "piece" that has all the brackets and pipes?

    Remember, the articles we get out of this piece are called "spun out" articles...not "unspun"

    Where should we put all the "spun-out" articles?

    How should we document the usage of the spun-out articles so they won't be accidentally used twice, causing a duplicate content situation?

  3. Try this to get those nested spun ones thru the robot:

    on the drop down to the right of the "share" button on Google docs, select "email as an attachment"

    It will say "HTML" in the other box that comes up. Drop that menu down.

    You will see "Plain Text" for a selection. Choose that, and email it to yourself.

    Use that "plain text copy" to add your nested spin to, and then try that in the robot. Ideally, from what I gather, the TBS robot likes when you do the entire thing in plain note pad.

  4. I've been up all night doing my first video...I'm proud of it. Should be posted by this afternoon!!

  5. Way to be in the know, Petal! That's right. I am waiting to buy it as well. I tried to sign up as an affiliate the other night, but there was a problem. I’m still waiting to hear back. Do you realize, that if we get a wave of people once we start our recruiting campaign for Project Exodus, and they all sign on to our business model, buying a robot, and spinning their content and posting it according to our linking strategy? This could go viral to the point where everyone migrates from the content farms to Bangari...

    It’s not unreasonable to imagine getting 2500 people to sign up. The affiliate fee on the TBS Robot is 37 per sale...$92,500. We need to figure out by what system we are going to share that revenue. I have some good ideas, but I want to hear someone elses thoughts first. We need to get this in place soon, even if we just sell 25. But let’s hope for 25,000! :-D

    The Best Spinner is a good invention, but that’s just one leg of the triangle. Finding a market for it and making a profitable use of it are the other two legs, and I think we nailed both of those!

    I want to get the core team up to 12 people. Jerry Walch said AYE! AYEllelujah!! Welcome Jerry! I’d like to recruit Don Pennington, and I want to ask a couple old friends from AC and Factoidz...I'm waiting to hear from Trish, and I wish Carol would come around. Anyone else have any suggestions?

  6. @ Kevin, I think we need to create a collection on the docs for Spun out articles. If the spun out articles are used, they should be maybe taken out of there and put into another or collection called "Already Published Articles" or "Spun Out Published Articles".... not sure... just throwing that out there.

  7. @ Kevin,

    Steven wants to be in on the tam but he has no idea of what to do or what he should be doing. Here is part of his email to me:

    " In the midst of a bunch of other "stuff," I have been trying to keep up with the information flow regarding the new direction for Bangari. Kevin has asked, in his last communique, whether I was going to be "in or out" and I'm really not sure how to respond because I'm not totally clear on what I would (or should) be doing. I would certainly want to help build this new venture (especially if there were some hope of compensation down the road :-) ). But since I'm such a newbie at this, I would hate to say I'm "in" unless I felt I could actually contribute effectively to the cause.

    "I have saved all the correspondence of course but if you have a moment or two, can you tell me what I (or we) should or could be doing at this juncture? I know I sound kind of basic here, but kind of a step 1, step 2, step 3 sort of thing would be helpful.

    "My first priority right now of course, is to get accepted for grad school before the deadline, but once that is done (hopefully within the next 2-3 weeks) I will have much more time to focus on this project. Yes, I can "multitask" though probably not as well as some others I know!"

    I don't really know what to tell Steve, since there is no set plan of what we are doing... other than getting our already published content spun. He hasn't written for the Net much... he has done lots of professional writing but not for the Net.

    I wish you would get with Kevin and explain to him what you specifically need from him. Think about it.... and get with him, please.

  8. Oooops! That last sentence should read that I wish you would get with Stephen and explain to him what you specifically need from him.

    Everything is kind of fuzzy here to me as to what is actually going on while this is getting set up... so it would be better to come from you.

  9. Kevin
    I'm still planning on writing a "getting set up" piece, something like: "So you've joined Bangari now what..."
    My missing link is the multiple articles we create from spinning - the metamorphosis of an article will be:
    1Liberate from content farm, placed in DOCs
    2Spun manually into the {||} version
    3Use robot to produce 3 spun out versions
    4post one version on our own PCCH blog
    5one version on gallery
    6and another version?where?
    7Then we sell...?(this is the step I'm not sure of)each version separately as a unique article?

  10. I worked on that training video for 14 hours straight..10:00 PM to 12:00 PM.I taught myself iMovie! I never thought I would get the hang of the video editing stuff...That's way outside of my comfort zone. I'm psyched! I had to crash for a few hours, but I'm back at it now. I'm addicted!!

    This will answer more questions and give more direction.

    @ Petal: remember, when we build these article machines, we get countless 500-1000 word uniques articles from one 2000 word spun piece. So, we will be putting these in many places, and selling many as well. I expect to sell them as a "body" of content to those who want them, and it's even going to come with "built in SEO" (that I want to keep secret for a bit longer)

    Wait for the video, which is almost done!

    Stephen is plenty smart enough, and like you have said so well Sally, I don't give very specific instructions, because I'm focusing more on the big picture, and I know how smart the people on our team are...As soon as I can communicate the game plan properly (which I'm hoping this first video will do) then I expect everyone will kick in with their own creative ideas, and we'll all be getting instructions from each other!

    No one is wasting time. There is plenty of work to do on the first steps, before we are going to be ready for the next. We have time to figure things out.

    I'm looking forward to the "now what" piece Petal!

    1) remember, we are leaving the original on the site, wherever it may be...content farm or our own domain. Then we want to link from there TO Bangari Content Gallery

    2) Hand spin, sentences and paragraphs, and lists...etc NOT synonyms.

    3)"Robot spin" means to use the robot to add more choices and brackets and pipes...they do that with one push of a button. Then, we use the robot to "spin-out" multiple versions (more than 3, as many as needed for link building)

    4) Post first spun-out piece on Bangari Content Gallery then ADD (as per your awesome suggestion) video, sound, personal interviews, start discussions, etc....Place second on our respective Published Content Clearing House Blogs...Place more at each others sites, that pertain to the topic...I.e.; I don't want recipies on my Camels and Shepherds blog, however I will post some on my physical fitness blog.

    ooops, I mixed up the numbering, but did this clear it up more?

    Back to the video!


  11. I was up all night doing my first tutorial video...Man, am I proud of this! I can't wait till you all see it. I'm also proud of you Sally! Now let's me you and Petal get some semantics and operating procedures down before we go too far with this new-found information!

    What should we call the "piece" that is (spun,hand spun,flat spun,nested spun and data merged)? You know, that creative masterpiece that we can use to spin out numerous unique works...

    Remember, the unique articles that you figured out how to get on one page, are called "spun-out" articles. We coined that term recently Petal, if you haven't heard it before...Let's not use "unspin" :-)

    Let's make sure we keep (how many? 3 ?) spun out articles on a page. Be sure to keep records of what we have done with each copy. Once one is posted, we need to label it accordingly, so it doesn't get posted again...Duplicate content is a big NO-NO!

    Any other ideas for organizing the spun outs?

    Try this trick to get the robot to take the nested spun content:

  12. ooops again! You can tell I'm down to my last brain cell! I thought I posted this, or lost it or I don't know...put here is more semi-random junk, leaking out of my head, confusing all you patient people even more! Sorry!!

    Wait till the video, you'll see what confused is then! haha

  13. The fog is lifting slowly! That clears up the "what to do with all the versions". Will clients buy the articles if they have already been published online? (I know we talked about this very early on, I just forgot the answer).
    As for names how about:

    1. "Original Article" - the one we get from the content farms or write.

    2. NEEDS A NAME maybe "raw spin article" {|||} version

    3. "Spinout1", "Spinout2", "Spinout3" etc Articles produced from {|||}

  14. THANKS PETAL! You coined 'em! I like raw spin article the best...RSA files. They are all good. So we'll be speaking the same language. I'm putting the last part on my video, and plan to have it posted soon. That will really help clear some fog too...I hope!

  15. I don't want to answer the other question right now, right here...This is a company secret! shhhhh. ;-)

  16. I don't have anything important to say here, but I have something on my mind that I wanted to share. I'm feeling so good about all this.. coining new words and we will be doing something that no other company does... even though there is a little fog now and then... a little white mist .. I can still see well enough to visualize a huge future in this business!

    This isn't just a post giving fake moral support... I'm feeling this way down deep, like something we have to be patient with and develop, nurture and baby it... and it will eventually be bigger than any of us could ever dream of.

    I'm normally a skeptic... but not here. I'm a firm believer that this company is blessed... and this idea, and the coining of new words is actually SUPPOSED to happen... like it is our destiny! We just have to keep believing and moving forward. Step by step the great minds of Bangari are making something very good happen that will pay off and give us all a great future. I believe this.. Thanks Petal for coining the new word..It's all coming together!

  17. I was just thinking, remind me why we are leaving the original articles on the content farms? I know you said we would link from them to us but the farms would soon find the links and ban the articles or us.

    I've just gone through the original articles I have in DOcs and added the word count at the top, others should do so too before they are spun and the original count gets lost.

    Sally it's exciting, scary, new!!

  18. @ Petal.. yes.. it is new... and exciting... and yes a little bit scary, but I'm not scared. I may not know how everything will work, but I trust that it will. I trust Kevin's genius... he had this idea even before he recruited me to Factoidz all those few years ago. I also trust all the smart folks like you and Teal and others here who know more than I do... I'm trying hard to play 'catch up' with everyone else.. I'm getting there.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. @ Kevin ~ I told you I am living and breathing stuff about Bangari... this is no lie. Last night I was somewhere between being awake and being asleep and it was all playing out on the insides of my eyelids. I kid you not! It was all making sense to me. Now that I am awake I am beginning to forget some of the details.

    The way I saw it was that we make our 3 versions of our articles... one goes to our clearing house blog, one goes to BC Gallery, and one will go to one of our content farms we use.. for me that would be AC. In my 'dream' I saw where I would hyperlink a word in my AC article in the first paragraph to a version of that article on my clearing house blog. My clearing house blog is like a spoke in the link wheel... and the search engines will connect the dots and raise the rankings of BCS, and BCG in Google, Yahoo and the other search engines.

    Now.. do I understand this correctly? Or was my dream nothing more than a dream? I really thought that in my sleep I was actually understanding the infrastructure of our company.

    Please let me know if I am understanding the finite way this is going to work. ~ Sal

  21. Yeah you told me that you were living and breathing Bangari Sally, just before you went to our former client, the one who tried to screw us for payment, and offered to work for them for 25% of what Bangari paid you to produce content for them. Can you say "cut-throat?" how 'bout "back-stabber?" I thought-cha could! I'm so disappointed. Just be very careful. I don't want to catch you doing anything else subversive to our team, that will be moving forward without you.

  22. Oh really.. did you forget you masterminded it in the first place... you had me write the former client and I never heard from them, so when he did answer back I answered.

    Talk about subversive? When you do it it is counter intelligence and when someone else follows through with your plan it is subversive?

    Kevin Leland to me
    show details Sep 8
    Did you send your "kevin's an asshole" (lol) email yet? here is this morning's correspondence w/ marcus:

    Sally Collins to Kevin
    show details Sep 8
    Yes, I sent it Kevin. I hope he doesn't think it is contrived since it is so close to your chat with Marcus. I went over all of those in TBS, and still it was impossible to see all of the errors. I even blew them up in word so they would be huge so I could see the errors, and I caught a lot of them..... Trish had spun that article and murdered it. Petal reworked it and still there were errors I caught.. but looks like I didn't catch them all.

    I don't think we should hand spin anymore, because there is too much chance of using \ instead of | or [ ] instead of { }. I can spin in the robot very well.

    Love you!


    Kevin Leland to me
    show details Sep 8
    I think he is "taking the bait" he said he "had a meeting" as soon as you sent that! I can't wait to see if he tells me that you are defecting.

    I don't think it was that.... I sent it as soon as I got your email with the chat in it... so he had already said he had a meeting before I sent it. He may look your invoice over and offer you a payment for less than the amount.. he may not take the freebies you offered.

    I haven't heard anything from Billy yet since I sent it.. hopefully I will before too long. He will probably rub it in your face that I wrote Billy, even though I asked that he not tell

    We'll see! I think there is a really good chance that you could continue working for these guys, indefinitely. I think they will fire Billy. They might be honest with me about what you want to do, and if they are, I'll say "by all means, continue with Sally. She is right about me, and I don't want to ruin her rep by being associated with me...I'll stay out of it" I gave Marcus a bunch of emails, that make our case pretty clearly...Tell me what you think. It's in Docs. Keep me posted!

    Sally Collins to Kevin
    show details Sep 8
    I'm glad you sent those emails to him and put your captions above them... and you see where Billy clarifies for me that these are about the company and what they offer and why clients should buy from them. He said I assumed correctly... and then later he is all off the wall about it.

    I hope Marcus isn't put off by my sending all of the writer's pay information.. but I want him to see all that was done.

    I would like to continue to work for him IF he will treat us right.

    If I got this gig, you could work on other things.... like the lawyer project and stuff.. or the gallery.

    I love you Kevin.... You did good with putting all the emails together and organizing them.. I read through it all.. I hope he does.

    It's all there except for the chat you included in the email to me.

    I just answered him back... that was all... I had no idea he would even ask me how much.. if I had said 3 cents a word you wouldn't have been upset.

    Your own words said that you would step aside if I could get the project... which was all you could do since you screwed up by using your tactics on them... not a good way to do business Kevin... and I don't want any part of your business now that you fired me.

    I never quit.

  23. Here's our chat too... just so everyone knows I didn't quit! You said I did.. I didn't. I'm just working for myself to make money when you aren't paying.

    Kevin: You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille...

    with four hungry kids and a crop in the field...

    We've had some sad times, lived through the bad times...
    1:02 PM
    But this time your hurtin' won't heal :-(
    5 minutes
    1:07 PM
    Kevin: Hello?


    me: Hi Kevin
    1:08 PM
    Kevin: I'm not happy with you.

    me: why?
    1:09 PM
    Kevin: Why do you think?

    me: tell me
    1:10 PM
    Kevin: I invested everything I had into you.

    Now you quit

    me: I didn't quit...
    1:11 PM
    I'm just going to also take care of myself.

    Kevin: whatever.

    I think that's what I have to do from now on.
    1:12 PM
    Make opportunity for myself, and don't worry about others earning what I think is fair.
    1:13 PM
    me: you have to do what you have to do to get by.

    Kevin: I have to do what is right by God and others whether it gets me by or not.
    1:14 PM
    It's right to pay a minimum of .03 per word.

    1:15 PM
    me: If you are doing contract work.. it's whatever you can make and make a profit from... if you get 0.04 a word.. and you want to pay 0.03 a word that 's wonderful.. but if you can't.. and pay less.. we can choose whether we want to work or not.
    1:17 PM
    Kevin: So you will go behind my back and offer to work for Marcus at $6-$8 per article? After I paid you $30-$60?

    What happened to transparency?

    me: Not many people are going to pay that much to get work done... and now with this project exodus thing... I still believe it could do well... but it may be a long time coming. I don't have a long time to wait for income...

    I said I was curious... I told you that. and I told you what I offered him. He didn't respond back.
    1:18 PM
    Kevin: You told me AFTER you approached him, with an offer that was contrary to everthing we believe in at Bangari.
    1:21 PM
    me: I got the idea only when I got the email from him saying he wasn't there anymore.. I don't know how I got it.. it was from linked in or something.. and I wasn't even following him.. but got it... that's all.. was just curious. I'm going to work for myself in transcription because at least I will get paid regularly.

    I'm not even interested in Marcus.. if they took so long to pay... and scope creeped.. I'm not even interested.. I was just curious...
    1:26 PM
    Kevin: I CC'ed you on everything I did. I was just starting to pursue contract work. However, the team hadn't grasped the overall concept of Bangari. I didn't want to start that work until I knew everyone had a clear understanding of what we were going to accomplish, and how we were going to do it.
    1:27 PM
    I was busting my ass getting everyone set up on Bangari...

    Doing all sorts of training
    1:29 PM
    me: My curiosity had nothing to do with Bangari since you were banished from them anyway from that last thing you got from the big boss... I was curious... but having to deal with a company that probably wouldn't pay me would make me think twice anyway... I'm not interested in them. When you have contract work... I'll be interested but this other stuff... I can only do when I have time because I have to make money now.
    1:32 PM
    Kevin: Great, but if you think I'm ever paying you .03 per word again, you're high! I'll pay you $6 to $8 per article (appx 600-1000 words)

    fair enough?
    1:33 PM
    me: I will be paid as everyone else is paid or I don't write for you. If you pay everyone that much, then fair enough. Like I said.. we can choose for ourselves whether what you offer is fair.
    1:34 PM
    For $6 to $8 I can get paid much faster on my own.

    I do that now.
    1:35 PM
    Kevin: What does "how fast" you get paid have to do with it? That's crazy!

  24. It doesn't all fit.. so I'm putting the chat in there in pieces:

    me: I turn in my work and a few days later I get paid... that's what I mean.. I don't need you for that kind of money because I already make that.
    1:36 PM
    Kevin: So, .006 per word and getting paid within three days is better than .03 per word but you wait 30 days?

    me: That's not what you are offering me, now is it?
    1:37 PM
    Kevin: I didn't know that was an option? WOW! people can be so dense about finances...I need to start capitalizing on that.

    No wonder Casino's and "Advance America" are doing such good business in these tough times.
    1:38 PM
    me: Kevin I'm not going to fight with you.. if you don't want me anymore say so... I'm fine with it. I'm not tolerating being abused by you... we can be done here and now if you like...
    1:39 PM
    Kevin: Abused?! You took advantage of me Sally. So, no, I don't want you anymore.
    1:40 PM
    me: Good enough. I didn't take advantage of you Kevin.. I did a job and you paid me. So we are done... good enough.
    1:41 PM
    Kevin: you and Carol and Michelle can carry on with your caddy bullshit, and I'll stick with people like Martha Jette who understand enough about SEO and Internet writing, that I don't have to pay people like her to learn

    me: Good luck to you.....
    1:42 PM
    Kevin: Tell michelle to fill out the form she was supposed to fill out to get paid

    What a rip off you people are!
    1:43 PM
    me: What form? I did 2 articles for you myself. what do you mean rip off?

    Kevin: What form? Exactly!
    1:44 PM
    me: you weren't paying per word for those, so do you still want them put into the work completed form?

    Kevin: Rip off: I bust my ass setting up all sorts of systems that will allow people to earn .03 per word...

    I pay you all the mark up to be my PM
    1:45 PM
    me: what's that got to do with me? You said you had $80 for 4 articles that's not 3 cents a word... never thought you would pay that for your articles.

    Kevin: You don't even know about the "work complete" form anymore?

    Martha filled hers out, and isn't bugging me for the money....
    1:46 PM
    she didn't even know she was getting paid for that...

    me: yes, I do... it was for the billy project.

    Kevin: she thought she was doing it as a favor

    No, it was for Bangari...Any work we do.

    1:47 PM
    I was going to pay you .03 per word to "spin them"...

    me: I'll fill out the form and will tell Michelle also... but you can keep your nasty comments to yourself Kevin.. you maybe can abuse Carol and get away with it, but I won't 'listen'k to it.

    Kevin: You didn't even do that.
    1:48 PM
    You took it upon yourself to rewrite it.

    This isn't abuse.
    1:49 PM
    If it's all "just business" now with us, I'm going to tell you how I think you suck at business.
    1:50 PM
    me: Never mind don't pay me... let me just cut my losses here. I did the best I could with your articles. I found out the robot doesn't do a good job at making articles.. you have to basically rewrite them anyway.

    Kevin: Glad to hear you are taking your instructions from Carol.

  25. me: I consider you my friend, and you can tell me I suck at business Kevin... but I think in a way that you do too.
    1:51 PM
    Kevin: Neither one of you have any clue what you are talking about with the robot.

    me: No.. I rarely talk to Carol anymore.. but she did email to tell me that my spun articles sucked.

    Kevin: They weren't supposed to be good!!
    1:52 PM
    me: When my name is attached to them, and I get comments like "they aren't very good"
    that makes me take notice.

    Kevin: You are all clueless about SEO, and you are all too busy pursuing $2 per hr work, that you don't have the time to learn what you need to learn in order to get $25 per hour for your time.

    me: Well we are done.. you fired me.. so don't worry about it now.
    1:53 PM
    Kevin: I not worried. However, we still have a problem to sort out...
    1:54 PM
    I WAY overpaid you for all the work you did on Billy's project. Not accepting money for the work you (fucked up) on this last little project isn't going to make up for it.
    1:55 PM
    me: I didn't screw up anything... we are done now Kevin... don't threatne me.
    1:56 PM
    Kevin: LOL...You know how I am. I'm not threatening you. I don't threaten anyone.
    1:57 PM
    me: We are done Kevin.. lose my email address.. lose everything associated with me... you want to be mean and nasty... then do it with someone else.

    Kevin: I need something from you to make up for all the time, money and effort I put into you based on your promises to be my project manager...long term
    1:58 PM
    Sally, I trusted you. You crossed me. You back-stabbed me. Big mistake.
    2:01 PM
    me: I never did that Kevin... I just didn't tell you that I decided to write to Marcus to see what he would say. He never wrote back .. it was an impulse and that was all. If you see it that way... then I'm sorry that you do. I've tried very hard to please you and to be everything you wanted me to be... but sometimes I just have to work on my own to get a little money coming my way to pay bills with and put food on the table.. not Marcus.. but AC.. and now I will be working in transcription.. which is what I am trained to do. I won't get rich, but it will give me what I need to live on.
    2:03 PM
    Kevin: No, you will stay poor. And so will I, because what I've spent every waking hour on along with every dollar earned, was a plan that involved you, and carol and Michelle...but ESPECIALLY you.
    2:04 PM
    If I knew I would have to do it alone, I would have worked my plan much differently.
    2:05 PM
    I could have just paid you and Carol the grunt wages you like, and I could have made $3,000 on Billy's project, just for farming out the work

    Then, I could have paid the $3,000 to you and other "grunts" to spin and post articles at Bangari.
    2:06 PM

  26. me: You had me believing you Kevin but after talking to Trish the other day, she opened my eyes that your plan is more like pie in the sky... I'm sorry Kevin... but you have been poor long before I came into your work life... You have all your important people now.. you have Martha and you have Jerry.... you should do famously now... get rich Kevin and have a nice life.

    Kevin: I could have paid $5 per article upfront, and then $1 per month passive revenue. You would have though that was great!
    2:07 PM
    Talking to Trish too? You are all over the place woman.
    2:08 PM
    Trish doesn't get certain things either, but she knows a lot more than you.

    That's why you are so easily convinced...

    me: I'm not working for Trish... she is studying for her securities license... she is a friend of mine Kevin. She knows more than you too Kevin...
    2:09 PM
    Kevin: It doesn't matter...You quit.

    me: i never quit... I'm fired now.. so just as well.

    Kevin: No she doesn't! As a matter of fact, I took and passed the Securities (series 7) exam in 1989! lol
    2:10 PM
    You quit!

    me: and?

    Kevin: You broke an agreement, and made off with a shitload of my money. Now you owe me.
    2:11 PM
    me: I don't owe you anything Kevin.. I worked like a dog for you .. now we are done. I see how you do people... I should have learned that from the Billy thing.

    Now im blocking you.

  27. I saw the email you sent Carol trying to make nice with her to get to me. It's too late for that now Kevin. I don't want to be 'brought back into the fold'... you threw me away Kevin.. over a stupid misunderstanding... I was never serious about working for Marcus... just curious... and you went ballistic... when it was YOUR plan for me to get it in the first place... which they probably were SMART enough to figure out.

    And.. since I was only your 'Yes man'... you pretended to be my friend and love me as a sister because I was doing what you wanted... but when I thought for myself you said I thought too much like Carol and accused me of taking orders from Carol.

    Bad idea Kevin... I'm no one's yes man.. it is true I tried to please you and I wanted your approval.. AS A FRIEND!!!!! and as a MANAGER... but I only became your SECRETARY and I put more hours into being your secretary than my actual writing.

    You threw me away... someone else can be your yes man Kevin. No one abuses me and remains my best bud. You talk out of both sides of your mouth... Kevin... I was living your dream until reality set in.

    I'm still grieving over the loss of our friendship Kevin, but I will get over it. I let you get into my head. I feel like I'm going through a divorce, of sorts... because a friendship to me is much like a marriage. I might get upset with a friend, but I always love them... but since you threw me away, I have nothing to do but to accept that.

    Good luck to you Kevin. I want only good things for you always. I wish I had kept my distance from writing for you... I had trepidations in the beginning because I felt the techie stuff was over my head.

    We would still be friends IF I had never worked for you.

  28. Kevin
    I have the new version of TBS which I don't like much, and the unique is always showing 0% any idea why?

  29. No, I'm not sure. I think I had the same problem, but I haven't used TBS in a while. I'll check mine to see if I can figure it out. There is also a forum at Jon Ledger...They are very helpful. And, you can put in a 'ticket' for tech support, and they always get back in a couple days (better than me most of the time) haha...
