Friday, September 16, 2011

September Inspirationals

I think the inspirational blog posts were great.  I have a poem about creation called Creation: What About the Eyes?  I invite everyone to continue on with their inspirational quotes, poems, thoughts and ideas.  Thanks~ Sal

Creation: What about the Eyes

How can one deny the presence of God?
Consider the eyes..
The windows to the soul;
Where did they come from?
Evolutionists say they evolved.
Darwin must have gotten a headache,
Trying to explain away the eyes.
Smart guy, Darwin was,
but the smarter one is
the more headaches 
evolution gives.
Consider if you will,
Everything on God's earth
has a mathematical code,
so complex.. from the sun, moon and stars
to the atoms in the subatomic world.
Evolutionists still haven't answered,
what about the eyes?
The answer is God.
God is responsible for the paper
these words are printed on.
He is responsible for the bible
you hold in your hands.
He is responsible for the printing press
that set the words to paper.
It is impossible to take God
out of the equation.
For without God there would be
no man, woman or inventor.
Once again I ask,
What about the eyes?
Doubting Thomas and unbeliever
Please explain the eyes.
There is no other explanation,
Nature is so complex
that only God will do!
And what about mankind?
Could man with a conscious mind
be made by the unconscious?
Could an intelligent mind
be made from the inanimate?
Once again I ask you:
What about the eyes?
The answer is simple.
Only God will do!


  1. great poem, plato said the eyes were the windows to the soul, so many thousands of years ago

  2. Thanks Carol. I wrote this about 4 years ago. My pastor had given a sermon about if we came from the primordial soup, where did our eyes come from. It stuck with me and then as I thought about it, God gave me the words for the poem.

  3. I like this poem a lot, Sally. Anything that makes one think, particularly about our creator is most certainly worthwhile.

    "What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God." ~Eleanor Powell
