Saturday, September 24, 2011

Learning as we go

Hi Team!

I'm really excited about our new venture, and I really believe that one day - not so far away - that our company will be as well known as the content farms that we are used to writing for. Kevin realizes that I don't know much about SEO stuff. Yes, I know about keywords and keyword density, and I know a little bit, but the stuff that I know nothing about is vast!  He challenged me to educate myself by researching and writing articles.  Well, I'm doing that. I wrote one about semantic and structural mark up and how it has brought the Net to what it is today.

I am suggesting that we all challenge ourselves to get out of our comfort zone to research and write articles about stuff we don't understand right now.  As we read, research and write, we will teach ourselves and others will learn from our work.

I won't put the link to my article here, because since this is a public blog, I'm not sure it is a good idea.  Maybe my article will be good enough to be sold to an interested future client.  I will let Kevin read it and I'm sure he will critique it for me. He said I can write like I understand stuff, and when I finally do understand what I write I will be

I know I can't be the only one that doesn't understand things.  I might have a slim understanding of some things, but I do understand more when I saturate myself with the topic.  I want to suggest that we all write about stuff we don't quite understand so that we can teach ourselves.  When Kevin talks about SEO stuff, I don't want to be looking at my computer screen like a deer in headlights. I want a firm understanding of what he is talking about.

Your thoughts?


  1. I would like to invite everyone to view my blog sites. I saw that Petal created a new site specifically for her Bangari content. Hopefully, these two main blog sites of mine can serve essentially the same purpose without having to redo them.

    All of the materian included on these two sites (other than jokes about getting old on Aging With Creativity) are my own. They are as follows:

    I have also created a Google file for other articles I wrote originally for Hub Pages that have now been removed. You will find them here:

    Feel free to spin them to death!


  2. Hi Martha
    Add a follow button to your blogs so we can follow!

  3. The follow button is at the top of the blog to the left.. I am following her.

  4. So, being that I am still fairly new to all of this, I will add my blog addy's as well.

    They are the following:

    Oh and I have a "page" on facebook, but I have YET to figure out how to incorporate THAT little string of code and HTML....***sigh***

    Cry later. Moving on...


  5. Hi Michelle, I don't know how to follow your first one... and the second one doesn't work in the browser... is it supposed to be a blogger address? or a .com address? It doesn't work.

  6. All these links should have been put on the other blog post:

    This blog post has gotten lost in all the links... it is to ask you about writing on topics you don't yet know much about... pushing past your horizons and pushing into new horizons, so to
