Monday, September 5, 2011

A suggestion about cleaning house in the Google docs

Hi Kevin,

I don't know if you and the rest of the team find the Google Docs to be a crowded mess. It's hard to find anything there anymore.  As you know I will be making word documents and uploading them to Billy through the desk top interoffice software, so once those are uploaded and I have the back up copy, why couldn't we possibly delete them from the docs or put them in a file of completed docs.. I'm thinking of cleaning house so we can see what is there.  Right now, we can hardly see the forest for the trees.

This was suggested to me by Carol Roach.  I wasn't sure how you would feel about it, but I think it could possibly be worked out somehow to 'clean house' a little bit.  For instance, take the catheter project we did .. those are bought and paid for... those articles are just taking up space in the docs... After we get paid for these articles on Billy's project, they could also be filed away somewhere and taken off the docs.  I feel that the docs should be for works in progress, and not for just cluttering up with useless articles.

Kevin, please tell me what you think.. and I invite everyone else to talk about this... any suggestions would be welcomed... :)

This is only an idea.... so let's hear what everyone thinks.


  1. I think it would make things easier to find, only documents that still need work would be on google docs, and the rest will have other places that they are stored.

    That would bring down the congestion on site and be more efficient. I certainly hope you like this suggest Kevin. I am just trying to be helpful, so that everything runs smoothly.

    XoXoXo - :)

  2. Never Delete Anything!

    I like the folder idea. Always use folders to organize and "clean house"

    You should never have trouble finding anything. Don't be afraid to use the search box on docs. That's the beauty of cloud computing. everything is online, and anything can be found in less than a second. all you need to do is type in any word that is in the doc (preferably the title) you can search all docs, or just the folder...

    Another cool thing about Google docs, is the stuff that is being worked on currently, comes to the top of the files in "modified today"

    Thanks for the suggestion. It's funny, I've been begging my Dad for years NOT to delete his emails. He thinks if he "cleans it up" the computer will run faster. Many people get "memory" confused with "storage" when it comes to computers.

    Step AWAY from the delete button! ;-)

  3. Okay good, Kevin.. thanks for coming so quickly and giving us your thoughts. I knew you wouldn't want anything deleted, which is why I mentioned something about a folder or file.

    I know about the search button and I use it a lot.. but I think some folks forget about it. That is a good idea too.

  4. when documents are renamed, such as dont touch this article finished, how do you know what article it is anymore, if it was only one it wouldn't be hard to find but when there are several who has time to go through all of them to find the right one?

  5. @ Carol... I think if you use the search, you will get the right article. Like if I want to find the article about smith printing, I could put 'smith printing' or 'printing' in the search and it will come up.

  6. Hi
    I've put all the Billy stuff in the Google DOc collection "Billy's Project" and then marked it not to show on my home page. I don't know if by doing this it appears like this on everyone's Google Docs. If you want to organize your Docs like this too, to clean it up a bit tick off the items you want to move into the Billy collection then go to the drop down menue above the list of Docs, "actions" choose "organize" and then select "Billy's Project" and the items will move. Then to make them not also show up on the home page go to actions again and select "don't show in home".
