Sunday, August 21, 2011

Be extra careful when flat spinning outside of the docs

I just want to remind everyone to take one doc at a time when you are spinning.  We have to be extra careful when spinning outside of the docs and pasting them back into the docs.  I don't know when this mistake happened, but I compounded the mistake yesterday with assuming I was working on the right doc.

This is what happened:  Yesterday I opened a doc for Smith Printing, but Smith Printing wasn't in the doc. Cheap fares was in the Smith Printing Doc.  I went ahead and ran the article part through the robot and saw that it was okay.

I compounded the mistake by changing the title to match the content, thinking there must have been a mistake down the line.

This mistake caused me to find the article, because it was mine, and I had to do a flat spin on it which took time that I could have used elsewhere, since we are working hard to get these articles to Billy so everyone can get paid.

I can see now why Kevin would harp so much about taking one article at a time.  We tend to have more than one window open on the docs... I know I do when I'm working.  I think in the future it is best to close out other docs when we finish working on one before we take another to do.  It is possible to flat spin an article in a word processor and then paste it back into the wrong doc.

It doesn't matter how it happened, really... it happened.  I'm not blaming anyone.  I know we are all working as hard and fast as we can. We got past the issue, so there is no sense staying there talking about it.  We have to find solutions and move on to the next issue at hand, so that production continues. I think a mistake like that can be avoided if we only work on one doc at a time.

I should have questioned why the title didn't match the doc, but I didn't.  I assumed the content was correct.  That will teach me about assuming.  If you run across anything that doesn't seem right, let's not assume... let's investigate a little before we possibly destroy something.  

Today is another work day, so if anyone is working on flat spins and you are done, please send me a note telling me so I can run it through the robot.  So far, if my count is right, I got 13 through the robot yesterday and sent to Kevin where he could forward them to the client.  The sooner we get them sent to Billy, the sooner everyone will get paid. :)

Thanks for reading... your comments are welcomed.

1 comment:

  1. yes we all have to be careful, one mistake will have a domino effect and others can make the same mistake or not catch it all the way down the line
