Tuesday, August 2, 2011

We will be doing our own accounting and time managing


Good morning everyone!

This is where I will be communicating with everyone, from now on.  Kevin doesn't like emails, as you all know, by now.  It drives him bonkers to get so many emails.

This post is to inform you, if you don't already know, that you will be doing your own booking of your writing, spinning, and second spinning on the new Bangari Content Studios: Time and Money Management sheet.  

I did Phill's for him, because he can't get on there for some reason.  It could be that it isn't shared with him yet.  If any one can't get on this new site to clock your time and book your information, please let Kevin know so he can rectify that.  I wrote him in a blog post that Phill couldn't get on last night.

This is all so new to us that we are bound to have some problems until we get all the kinks worked out of this system.  When it is off and running, this system will sort of run itself.  All you will need to do is plug in your information. It will be a kind of self-serve writing and recording domain.

You can get your old information from the Bangari Books.  Open that page and look for all of your old work and plug it into the new Bangari Content Studios: Time and Money Management Record.

Here is the link to the old Bangari Books:

Here is the link to the BCS: Time and Money sheet


Please let Kevin know if you cannot get on the new Bangari Content Studios Time and Money Mangement Sheet.  He is the only one that can fix that.  Once you see the sheet it is self-explanatory. You shouldn't have any problems.. you enter the date in the manner that it says to, you enter your name, the project, the title you've been working on, and your word count, and if you were the writer of the article, the first spinner, or the second spinner.. it's all very easy to do.

It takes a lot of my time to do the bookwork for everyone, and it is getting expensive for Kevin, so we all have to learn to document for ourselves.  When we finish with whatever job we are doing, it is best to stop right then to record it, so we don't forget. If we were to forget, we might remember when we didn't get paid for something. So it is up to us to keep our records accurate. There are bound to be some slip ups, because this is a new thing. Let's just try to do the best we can at doing this recording.

Thanks so much for reading,


1 comment:

  1. Apologies to everyone for making them do the record keeping twice. I should have made the form, and set up this blog earlier in the process.
