Monday, August 8, 2011

Passive income proposal

I’m still holding my breath, waiting for Billy’s feedback, hoping that we wowed them, sweating getting paid (don’t worry, I got everyone covered even if the client, for some strange reason, doesn’t come through in a timely way) I don’t think that we will be disappointed! I’m proud of us.

I have some more work that pays by the word. It will be a bunch of articles about home schooling. I want to hold off on it for just a bit least until the money comes through from this last project. I don’t want to get in over my head.

In the meantime, I want to propose an idea that I think will get us some good income...Passively.

Let me start by explaining the purpose for the different domains I’ve got going. There really is rhyme and reason to this, but it can get confusing. Don’t get frustrated.

Bangari Content Studios: This is our private site. It’s private in order to protect our client’s intellectual property. It keeps the crawlers away so we aren’t inadvertently competing with them with the content they buy from us. It also keeps the client and others from seeing our work in progress, and as Petal put it: our inner squabbles.

Everything else belongs in the open and in the spotlight. We want to draw as much traffic as possible, to promote our business and generate revenue. Content draws traffic. It has to be quality content of course, but quantity gets the search-bots excited. All out dialog concerning writing, especially when we fill in labels, pushes us higher to the top of the search engine results. That’s a huge advantage to keeping these discussions out of email...not to mention, it’s more organized.

Bangari Content Studio Blog: Post all correspondence here...The inspirational are a great idea as well. All for the reasons I stated above.

Bangari Content Gallery: Here is where I want to post our content created for passive income, and displayed for sale. Our blog will link to it, and as the blog rises in rank the back link will do us good. Then BCG will link to our individual blogs helping them as well.

Now let’s get into some detail about what this content produced for passive income, and potential sale should be. Think about American Idol. How many times do the judges admonish the hopeful and talented amateurs about the importance of  “song selection”...So it goes with content. Success is hinged on choosing the right topics, and covering them in an original and all inclusive way.

To make out well, you need to come out above the fold for a search on the topic you are writing about. This takes good SEO (search engine optimization) work. If you choose a topic that is very popular, like “diabetes” takes unbelievably good SEO work. That’s why if you are a one man show, you would be wise to go for “long tail” topics, aka “niche” topics. For an article that expands on long tail and associated SEO click here.

I want to tackle the competitive topics. I think with a talented group, working together to churn out a mass of relevant content, along with some original angles on these popular topics, we could make out really good. Sally wrote a plan for a content production package for diabetes, that was stellar. I think that would be a great topic to make the focus of our first effort. I have two others that I know we could shine on as well. One is physical fitness and steroids. The other is mortgage modification and stopping foreclosure.

I can’t guarantee success here. This would be a group gamble...But worse case scenario, we post the content on AC if it doesn’t generate the kind of passive income that surpasses Associated Content, and other content farms...Let me know what you all think in the comments.


  1. Kevin you asked me to try one more time to see if I could come up with how not to delete an article in my protecting precious documents article, you never went back to check I had a few other things to say,

    I won't be doing anymore of those articles, they take time, and lots of thought, I need to write articles to get paid. As you know I am poor as a church mouse and the only freebie I can afford to do from now on is my own newsletter, which I have had since 2003. My newsletter is more of a christian ministry.

    Passive income? I have over 300 articles at factoidz, close to 2,000 at ac, and neither one of them is bringing in any money despite the fact it took me over a year closer to 2 years to build up my database at ac. It has, medical articles, mental health articles, women's issues articles, poems, short stories, stream of consciousness writing, editorials, product reviews, reports on new health studies, breaking news and so on.

    Now I work for yahoo, doing tv sitcom reviews for 8.00 a 400 word article. That is where it is paying for me on AC not the passive writing.

  2. So it took you two years and 2,300 articles to figure out you were getting screwed? You say that those articles are not making any money. You are wrong. They aren't making "you" any money.

    I think you and everyone else who has content on these "content farms" should transfer it to your own domains, and to Bangari for passive income. But you are right, that would be a lot of work. Especially if you need to spin them for originality and for SEO purposes.

    I'm having a problem with listing posts on this blog. It needs a little work. I did see and appreciate your article. I wasn't trying to weasle any freebies out of you. If you want to take it down and post it at AC feel free. My intent was to use it to promote your work, in order to get you passive income.

    I think this idea might flop. Writers like you are burned out from doing so much work for so little income earned at these content farms. Plus, as usual, what people don't understand, they don't like. The concept of producing content wiki-style and sharing revenue fairly, cutting out the middle man, and doing our own SEO is complicated and foriegn to content producers who are used to getting peanuts for their efforts, as they make their publishers rich.

    I should just give up before I get called a communist! I feel like I am trying to be fair to people who are begging me to take advantage of them because they are not accustomed to anything else. The irony is, if it wasn't against my principals, there is no doubt in my mind that I could be the best capitalistic con artist out there! I know how this shit works. I've made predictions that have come true. Just few people understand enough about it themselves to recognize that I was right, and that the new things I'm talking about, if they come to be, would benefit us all in a huge way.

    So anyway Carol, should I count you out on the passive income idea?

  3. I need to see results,

    as far as everyone else I am not telling them not to try that is a personal decision everyone has to come to on their own. I am not a communist, I do not believe imposing my will on others. Everyone here in this team is a free thinker. They will do whatever feels right for them and that is as it should be.

    I don't think you should scrap the idea at all. And of course I know they were taking advantage of me. But one time I was making 50.00 a month at factoidz, til Mike pulled the plug on that or he and google did it together. I harvested my articles, I wrote for factoidz, got my passive income, then republished the articles to examiner and then republished them in AC.
    Although I never saw that Factoidz was hit on the list of top sites google downgraded from first page rankings. Ac was hit hard, that is why we are getting peanuts now, and examiner my other site was hit but it never really affected me I got the same as I always got. but others went from making big money to down to nothing and when I mean big money I mean big money.
    Personally I made about 500 with them just referring writers.

    In case you are curious, the diabetes package was a Trish idea to promote her writers. We could choose anything we wanted to write about and send her a package of 10 articles on the subject and she would promote it. I would have done diabetes since I have it, but Sally had done it. Then I was going to do one on fibromyalgia but just never got the time. I ended up working for you.

  4. I'm willing to give your idea a shot, Kevin. It never hurts to have more than one shot at passive income. As long as I can republish other places, or publish with you after I have published on AC... Even if I don't publish another thing on AC I will still generate money .. about $40 or more a month from them... Makes me sick because some of my friends could actually make a car payment with their AC money until the google changes. Now they make about half.

    Once you get it up and going with advertisers and all, I will be submitting... hope to generate some monthly income there. Even if it is only $2 or $3 at first, I will be happy with that just knowing that it is working. I know you will be more fair than the people at AC and Factoidz... you have already proven that to me.

    I might have reservations about some things... but I am willing to support your dream as long as it is still good for me. I can't see that it won't be.

    @ Carol... take the wait and see approach if you must. I will go ahead and start moving some content or rewriting it.. whichever is needed and when I start getting better or worse (hopefully better) than other places, you know I will share the knowledge with you.

  5. @Kevin I'm not sure exactly what your proposal is. Would this be like the articles I did for Factoidz? Would I need to follow a set topic or would I have the freedom to write about other things? Are we going to have set criteria ie would the articles need to be nonfiction? I enjoy writing (although finding time to scratch my own buttocks is difficult let alone finding time to write). I'm always up for contributing to the cause and gaining experience. Let me know what you decide.
    Also, this is so much better than the email thing. I share your disdain for the cascading email that never ends and only serves to bury the important stuff that you need to find. I'm also happy to see the inspirational section is up. Now I just have to think of something inspirational to contribute. - Richard

  6. Good to hear from you Richard! Try to sign in when you comment so you don't come up as anonymous. It is important to stay on set topics. One of the reasons passive income sucks sometimes, is because of topic choice. Then, even when an individual chooses a perfect topic, It is too difficult for one person to create enough content on that topic in a reasonable amount of time to make an impact. Here is where working as a team, like we did on this last project, gives us a huge "strength ion numbers" advantage. But yes, like factoidz (originally was) you will be paid on what you produce.

  7. forgot to mention I have a huge sleep disorder package of articles, that I produced for factoidz now transferring to examiner
    it has all kind of sleep disorders from apnea, to teeth grinding, it is a big package

    I could possible transfer it to you. The spinning though I am just wondering how do we get the {| ] to do them as new articles

    But the burning question for me right now that was never fully addressed,

    am I going to be paid for the 3 articles I wrote that sally referred to if so how?

    the managerial position fell through and I am not getting paid for my botched up job of training though I did do considerable work on it I am fine with that.

    what about the client I brought you?

    I am not trying to stir up things here, the botched training is now I dead issue, I am just wanting to know where I stand and where you stand on my articles that were not intended to for passive income in the beginning they are not seo filtered because they were supposed to be resource articles and you have told Sally they are not.

  8. To answer the burning question: I thought those were going to be used for promotion. But I don't want to back out of any agreements I may have made. We had a lot of communication throughout this project. If I said that I'd give you .03 per word for those, then I will. You tell me.

    I've been trying to say that I didn't envision the typical corporate chain of command for this organization since the beginning. I thought we could all take a small piece of the managerial pie, as a chore, more than a paying position of authority and prestige. This way we could all focus on production, pushing it up to $25 per hour. It seems like a tough sell. I guess engrained, traditional ideas are tough to change.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I asked the question for you, Carol. You were hesitant to say anything or ask anything a out it. I sort of assumed you would be at the time. I wouldn't have asked you to do them if I knew you wouldn't be compensated. I would have let Kevin ask you instead.

    I think in the future we should have everything mapped out for us so we know what to expect. We had a few repeated articles from people walking on each other and as far as I know they will be paid.

    Nothing is wrong with the game plan as long as the people involved are willing participants in the plan.

  11. I know what to expect now, Kevin doesn't have to respond, I thought I was a muskateer, I was not. It is all good as they say. I am just a writer. I don't need anymore clarification it is all clear now. We all know what we get for writing, just don't know whose articles are done and not, but I am sure that will be worked out in time. I am a free lance agent I go where I get paid for writing and nothing more. I wish you the best Sally I love you. You did one heck of a job as a PM I can/t tell you that enough. I know you love the job. I hope you will be able to manage other projects as well.

    Please don't respond Kevin I am a writer that is all. You have amply explained what needed to be explained please ignore the comment about if Sally got paid. It is none of my business.


  12. I just spent almost an hour responding to this Carol. The post got deleted. I didn't follow my own rule about composing comments in docs. Anyway. This has to stop. Your constant misunderstanding and complaining is costing me too much time and effort at the cost of all the other members on our team who are much more positive and productive. Maybe I'll try again later, but really, I've had it now. Enough is enough. Send me an invoice for all the writing you did outside of the project. I'll pay you whether I asked you to do the work or not (I didn't ask you to do the plageurism article, I just asked you to find out how to keep our sites from getting deleted...another misunderstanding) If my passive incom idea works, I'll get the money back anyway. Thanks.

  13. @ Sally: I want to get work done by communicating as effectively as possible within a group of creative, intelligent people. There will always be some breaks in those lines of communication. No big deal. It will get better as we go, especially now that we have this forum, instead of all the emails that were circulating. Right Richard? Also, like Petal mentioned, maybe our "squabbles" like the above Carol conversation should be kept on the private Bangari Studio Site. I want to keep as much dialog as possible here though. It helps stuff a lot of keyword rich content into this blog, that will be linked to the Gallery site and therefore promote our writers and our services and generate passive income on the finished content we "stock" there until it is sold. Make sense? Let's try to get back on the passive income topic here now.

  14. I'm not getting good Internet networking here in Kake George (rural part) so half the time I can't respond when I need to or want to.

    I will be fictionalizing a tragic story that my brother unlaced on me where a kid grew up with an SOB for a father and the boy accidentally shit his siste, then his father, and then a friend. And finally killed a young man and all of these were covered up. The family of thecdead boy never knew his death was caused at the hand if someone else. The boy responsible finally put the end of his rifle in his mouth to end his own misery. I may choose to put the story on the gallery if you care to have it there. All the people in this story are dead, save for one... So rather than expose the actual truth I will fictionalize it.

  15. Sorry for the dang typos. You know how iPhones are.

  16. Sally that is an incredible story! This would be perfect for Camels and Shepherds. Please don't fictionalize it. Talk to me a little moe about that decision, and please let me edit it, and be involved. We have a responsibility to expose the truth, even if it makes some people angry at us. You need to be very careful about gossip and slander, so what you speak must be for a valid reason, and must be backed up by verifiable fact. If you allow me, that's where I would like to be involved. I know how to secure that end of things, while allowing you to tell your story in your own voice. Please let me be your editor and publisher on this. If you decide to grant my request, we need to keep it private as we develop the story. Give me the details in email.

  17. I have an idea that might work. Instead of having me do all the setting up of the project let e eryone open their own docs from the original project. You won't have to pay me for managing. It would be self serve. It would be up to you to oversee to make sure everyone is doing what they are supposed to. I got really burned out to the point of not being able to speak at times from stress. I have had no problems since I have been done with this project. Not sure how it would work, but it will save you at least a few hundred dollars.

  18. Kevin I will talk to you in email bit I want to keep the names (the real names) out of it. I don't want my brother to get into trouble for knowing something way years after the incidents. There is only one person who is still living and he covered up the evidence to make it look like the boy shot himself in a hunting accident. The rest we will have to talk about. I don't want Ralph to be affected in any way. He learned about this all from his nephew who is also now dead.

  19. Excellent idea! We needed you to do a lot of extra managing on this project so that we could produce while our "self management" systems were being developed. It's important to me that you understand that I wasn't trying to rob you of a title, or "take you off the mound" because you were not performing well. I just want to play this game with a "pitching machine" hehe I got a few more projects from Billy...Let's test the system with them.

  20. Bring the conversation about this crime to email now. See you there.

  21. kevin there is a guy who is begging me and I am serious not exaggerating begging me to write his story on examiner. The trouble is it is something I figure is too boarderline slander. I don't know this man from Adam. He feels he is being seriously railroaded by the social service system here in montreal. I don't know how to tackle it. After several emails he has agreed to keep the name of the agency out of it and the social worker. Trouble is to keep the agency name out of of it would be liking saying a president of the usa will go down in history of as the first president the president to experience a credit rating down grade of triple A to double AA, although the is fact and can be written about to mention or not mention the name of the agency in question well we all know who it is.

    If this is something you want to look at and he is willing I can hook the two of you up. I really don't want to touch the story but I will write something because his last sentence was, "Please Carol, I don't want to lose my child." Who could not feel for the man after an appeal like that.

  22. Kevin the guy has not emailed me back yet I am waiting to see what he says
