Monday, August 1, 2011

Learning SEO

The best way to figure out search engine optimization is a lot like determining when to change your underwear: Throw them against the wall and if they stick – go put on another pair.
If you are “stuck” on SEO like the rest of us, just walk away. Don’t waste time that you could instead be spending actually producing something that a search engine will find. The best approach is no approach. You don’t have to admit this to anyone else but yourself; so look in the mirror and say “doggone it! I ain’t no where near as smart as those geniuses that work for Google.” And while you’re at it, if you are one of those snake oil salesmen trying to make a buck off the rest of us by selling us secrets that you don’t possess, then also say “I don’t get paid no where near as much as those geniuses at Google who get the big bucks to keep the secrets they invented from people like me.”
Phew! Now don’t we feel better? Good! Now, go produce your best content. Don’t sweat how you are going to title it. Pay no attention to keywords or keyword saturation. Just be creative, and informative, and interesting. Don’t let search engine optimization or keyword density bog you down or cramp your style. Just chill out, be cool and keep it real. Do you know why?
Because just as soon as you figure out just the right way to jump up and down and wave your arms up over your head while nagging like Horshack, “hooo hooo Mr. Kotteer” while wearing the proper brightly colored clothes and the right hat; all to get the robots’ attention…The geniuses at Google are going to have their robots better programmed to ignore you and follow after the cool people who don’t try to make foolish spectacles of themselves.
But still, here are some basics, simplified for your practical use. Check out these Factoidz on the topic. Also note, this type of linking together of articles on a popular site like Factoidz, is a great thing to do for SEO purposes.


  1. I have never given any thought to SEO when writing for Factoidz and yet somehow my stuff consistently gets "High" or "Very High" rankings. It seems to be a subject that can be useful but it isn't something to obsess over.

  2. True. Just producing quality content is what is essential. I want to produce the kind of content hat can be sold to Websites, or turned into books, ebooks or very popular you-tube content. Don't go by the Factoidz rating system. I'll explain why in another post. The reason that you want to learn a lot about SEO, is because most of our work comes from SEO companies. It is also can be used to promote our work, and earn passive income until it is sold. It is important to know when to write the piece for a robot (seo) or when we need to tailor it for a webpage.
