Sunday, August 21, 2011

Nested Spinning is not passing the robot

Hi Everyone,

I see some of you have tried your hand at nested spinning. It looks good, but it is not passing the robot for some reason.  The robot just sees something is wrong, but of course it doesn't show you how to fix it.  I worked for a while with one of Martha's and got it to pass the robot... but the others will give me 90% for 5 words and that is about it.. or 80% for 5 words... it just doesn't go past the first few words, for some reason.

I tried to find out if there is a way to get it to recognize nested spinning, but I don't see anything. I've checked with a forum on this, and it said that TBS doesn't recognize it... so if there is a way I don't know it.  I would suggest not doing anymore nested spinning until we can test it out... we need to get these articles through the robot, and those that are filled with spinnings within spinnings will not pass.




  1. Signal and Power did not pass the robot. I don't know what is wrong with it. The percentages are 60% 80 and 49% 309. I have sent it to Kevin for him to figure it out. I can't spend hours trying to figure it out because it slows down production. Kevin, hope you will figure this out, or assign someone else to figure it out. Hope we can discover why the robot doesn't seem to like these nested spinnings.


    Here's another one that won't pass. Xylem clothing with nested spinning is 58% 67. It says a bracket is mismatched, but I can't see where.

  3. I'm really disappointed that the ones I tried nesting on did so badly, I don't know why. THey should have had good percentages. I'm talking about Surety1 and Signal and power. I don't think I'll do any more nesting until I know why it didn't work.

  4. I asked Billy if he could enlighten us. I'm still waiting for a reply. I also thought I saw somewhere composing the article on certain text editors can cause a problem that you can't see...

    Some of them seem to work, even though it gives you a really low word count. That is interesting what you said Sall, it's only counting the first few words...?

  5. @ Petal and Kevin ~ I'm not really having any real problems with the nesting passing the robot now. I mean .. yes there are problems... but it is due to common mistakes. I might spend a half hour or more searching for the mistakes, but I am finding them now.. usually. I blow them up in my word processor to 22 points so I can see them, and it is usually clear what is wrong. Sometimes it is a misplaced { or it is [ used instead of { or it is \ used instead of |. Once I get those corrected, it runs fine in the robot. I would suggest that everyone enlarge them when proofing their spinning... I don't mind doing it.. it just takes time and Kevin has to pay me for my
