Saturday, August 6, 2011

Resource Articles

Hi Kevin,

Carol has written 3 resource articles so far.  One is the spin bot article, the next one was the new recruits article that you asked for, and the last one so far is the one about protecting precious documents.  I'm not sure how you are going to credit her with these articles.  Should they be entered into your money and time management site so she can get 3 cents per word for them?  Even though these articles don't get bought by a client, she is helping out with the resource material that you are asking for.

Please advise so that Carol and anyone else who is asked to put up articles on a blog can know whether they will be compensated for their efforts. Carol has never been told if she will be paid for any training or writing of resource material.  This would be a good time to address this issue for her own benefit and the benefit of anyone else who is asked to write resource blog material.




  1. I agree that if someone is specifically asked to write resource articles, they should be compensated for them. Perhaps they could be input on the income form like everything else.

  2. I am about to write a post that I think that everyone will find very exciting. I've explained it in bits and pieces throughout all my different writings, especially concerning the "death of content farms" This post will answer ALL questions...if I do a good job...Even concerning the topic that has been covered ad nauseum at this point: Transparency. I'll really try to get this done tonight. We will be compensated for our posts...passively. That's what the post I'll write will explain in detail. Let's not call the (excellent) posts that Carol has done "resource articles" I want to reserve that name for something different. Stay tuned! P.S. there is a way to sign up for notifications when there is a new post on any of our sites. Let's figure it out...whoever finds out first, give up the info for everyone else. Thanks!

  3. Since we are just beginning here any passive income coming our way won't be much to shake a stuck at. I don't know how to get notified when someone posts. It's getting to be a major pain. If you need me ro do something you had better email me because I just may not see it for all the posts. It takes so long to filter through, I can't see the forest for the trees, so to speak.

  4. C'mon Sally! You are a very hard worker. I've told you that you work "too hard" sometimes...It's time to combine that with working smart. Remember, Mike Quoc became a millionaire in less than three years. He did it on our talent and hard work, not to mention our input and ideas and promotion of his business...But, it was HIS smarts. He knew things that we didn't, and he capitalized on that. I think I know a few secrets to make income that we can shake a stick at! I'm willing to share the secrets, the ideas, and (unlike Mike Quoc, the income as well. Don't get frustrated with the technical stuff. There is strength in numbers. That's an advantage we have over Mike Q. When there is a question, like "how do we get notice of blog/site changes" any one of us can answer the question, giving the rest of the group the info.

  5. I just wrote a whole post and lost it. Wonderful experience! I was saying that passive income is great, but it doesn't solve the problem that I was talking about. At best, I think of it as a possible addition to the passive income I already make with AC. I used to make about $90 a month from passive income from AC, and now I make about half that. I have over 1200 pieces at AC which are earning me passive income. It's nice, but it doesn't pay much. In other words I couldn't make a car payment with it or buy a week's worth of groceries... and I don't see it happening at BCG either.

    This model that you are trying out here is not the best thing since oatmeal. There are still a few people who feel that a person in charge is the right way to go. We don't even have organized chaos at this point.. we just have chaos. I can't tell you how many times Phill and Martha have had work taken from them that they were going to do. I've even seen Teal (I think it was her) that did repeat stuff because of the confusion.

    I am wondering what would happen if we were building a house for someone... everyone going off and doing whatever they want without someone orchestrating what should be done.

    If everyone takes one at a time, which isn't happening yet... the people who do play by the rules will be the ones without food on their table.

    I liked it better when I asked "how many can you do?" or "how many do you want?" This way everyone could judge for themselves how many they could do.

    At this point, I know you have a vision for this company, but I hesitate to bring anyone in for the confusion there already is. I would not want to have to keep explaining that it will get easier once you wrap your head around the confusion and embrace it. You don't like me to use the word, but whether you like the word or not.. it's there and has to be used to describe what is going on here. Nothing is wrong with that if everyone understands how chaos works... after all, I can usually find everything I need in organized chaos... but I think this hot mess we have here falls short of anything called organized.

    I don't like to criticize your efforts here, Kevin. I know you want something new and different. But I feel that even a company such as yours is on the surface, chaos and it is also a sort of "do it my way or get the hell out."

    I have to say that I had everything under control and you came and threw a monkey wrench into everything and caused chaos after that. You can do that, it's your company. I'm more of "if it's not broke, why fix it" kind of girl... you were fixing something that didn't need to be fixed. Now with your fixing, we have all these extra articles where people walked all over each other. Now with your other fixing, you will make it where we have to have other jobs just to go on living.

    I mean no harm.. I love you as a person, a brother, and friend... but you have to want to hear what i have to say. Believe me I have censored my words by hitting the delete button over and over. It's not that I want to be boss, but I need for someone to actually be in charge and make some decisions that actually make sense without this everyone do what you want. If you were building me a house, and everyone did what they wanted I might have the roof built before I had the foundation constructed. I might have a house built in the sand too.. it looks nice, but a good wind would come along and knock it to pieces.

    I know I'm wordy.. but when I read your articles I have to read at least 4 paragraphs before you get to the point.. so I'm just doing what feels right.. hope you don't charge me 3 cents a word to read it.. lol.

  6. We had make a choice between a "claiming" system or an "assigning" system. A chose the claiming system for two reasons:

    1) It requires less management time, allowing more production time. You know better than anyone that a 25% mark up on the work we produce isn't enough to cover the amount of management time that goes into organizing everyone to get that work done.

    2) I don't want to "reinvent the wheel" this is the system that Factoidz and AC uses, and it's fair. It works. It pevents the headaches of people being assigned work, and then not completing it, causing it to have to be reassigned. It also eliminates political scuffles by choosing who gets work and who doesn't.

    The problems we had, I think were eliminated quickly, and shouldn't happen again. Claim one at a time, and rename the doc to show others that it is claimed. I think that decision was made, whether it was my call or not, and revisiting it will only cause confusion.

    Now, when you consider passive income you need to do the math correctly. Would you rather have a ton of quarters or a ton of dimes? The answer: It doesn't matter, each pile would be equal in value, i.e.; five dimes weigh as much as two quarters. Similarly, $30.00 earned a month after you write a 1000 word article, is the same amount of money as a 1000 word article that earns $1.00 per month for 30 months. The former is less of a gamble, but the ROI is fixed and limited. The later could continue to earn that $1.00 per month for 60 months or more.

    The other either/or choice we have before us is strangely turning out like it did in the Old Testament. Judges or a King? God desired a democracy, but caved into the Hebrews whining for a King. I am inspired by the fact that we managed to turn over a huge piece of work amidst the chaos of anarchy, with very minimal mistakes and problems. I can only imagine what we can accomplish once we organize our company government. It's going to take some work, but I'm on it. Once I start the thread, everyone else can get working on it too with their input and ideas.

    I have a vision, but I need to work with you guys to draw the blueprints. I've built houses, and none of them have fallen down yet, and not because I had to tell the framers not to start before the foundation was poured...If my subcontractors and crew needed that level of micro-managing the project would have been doomed to fail from the beginning.

    Lastly, I don't think it was fair to say my attitude is "my way or get the hell out" If the team wants a king, then you guys can pick one, and tell me to go to away. If it sounds suspicious when I say that I only want an equal partnership in this thing, along with the accolades of being the founder, because it seems to altruistic to be true, let me remind you that I have other endeavors that are 100% mine. I want to be able to concentrate on those, and being the head honcho at Bangari, with all the associated management responsibilities, I think will spread me too thin, causing me to fail at everything I've got going. I hope that our writers will someday enjoy earning $25/hr, full time here...But let's be realistic. It's not going to happen overnight.

  7. Grrr.. I hate when I lose a post... I had it about half typed out and something happened to zap it. Oh well... I know you didn't say that or anything like that to ME... but I was reading one of the posted things here and got that impression. That all said... I try not to make any real waves. I have a love/hate relationship right now with this system... mainly because there were so many issues in the beginning... hoping that these issues will all be resolved in the future.

    When the Bangari Content Gallery is up and running I do want to work on getting some content there.. and I do encourage others to do the same. I have no idea how that will work as far as paying passive income, but I hope we will see something monthly on that.

    I know it seems like I waffle back and forth on certain issues, and that is because I do. I'm honest here... this is all new...and I have fears and trepidations... but I am also willing to try it out. I can't put all my eggs in one basket though.

    I hope so too.. that we can all be busy enough to make $25 an hour here with our writing. That would be great.

    I know you have other irons in the fire, so to speak... I just know from my own point of view.. I want to be busy enough to earn a decent wage doing what I love.. that means working my craft. Although I don't want to work 24 hours a day like I was almost doing in the beginning... I hope there to be some balance to where we can all earn the amount we need and desire.

    I waffle back and forth because on the one hand I want to support your vision... and on the other hand it seems so foreign and strange to my way of thinking... like I am not able to keep up with the chaos that occurs. Hope it will get better by the next project.

  8. Compose comments, especially long ones, in docs, then copy and paste. Google docs rocks! Utilize it to avoid loosing writing. How many articles for AC did you give exclusive rights to them?

  9. I know what you mean sally, I have had to go back to the work I dropped because I have to have money coming in too. I don't do much commenting here anymore. I will be doing less and less. I can't afford to use my time writing for other things. As it stands now, I work from the time I get up in the morning to the time I go to bed, and I am afraid even to go away for the weekend at the end of august as you know because I will be missing work and valuable pay.

  10. Good idea Kevin about writing in the docs first. Most of my writing belongs to me. They only have exclusive rights to the featured content. I quit that featured team because they became big pains in the butts.

    @ Carol- I know too. I have to have a certain amount of money to live half-way comfortable. My SS doesn't pay for everything and buy groceries for the family. I get really concerned if I feel I can't make it.

  11. Are you guys writing for Trish again?

  12. No I'm not writing for Trish. I told her I couldn't do both because I was worn out. I was writing for her before I even knew you Kevin. If I do choose to work for her in the future it won't be for surplus work. If the figure is attractive enough I might reconsider. If you keep me busy enough I won't have to look fir other work. But if work is spread out too thinly I may have to consider myself a free agent.
