Thursday, August 11, 2011

Payday on Billy's July Project!


Billy’s July project is all done, and he liked our work. He hasn’t had time to review it as of yet, but because I whined and nagged the poor guy quite a bit, he is going let me submit the invoice for payment now. I hope to get everyone their money within 30 days of the time you completed the work. If my calculations are correct, we started this about 20 days ago. I’ll always try to get deposits when I can, and share the upfront money. Is everyone okay with 30 days or less for payment?

There were a couple minor issues. I’ll lay them out in another post. In this post, I just want to be sure that everyone has input their work. I got some compliments from some of you on the slickness of the form I made...Thanks! I done made myself proud of myself on that too! ;-) I remind myself that a pat on the back is only 20” away from a kick in the ass, so I’ll try not to get too full of myself! I also got a couple questions about viewing that doc...Answer: Yes, the form is connected to a Google Docs spread sheet. I will share that with all of you.

My next trick is to break out what each content producer is owed. After that, I will possibly need to upgrade my paypal account to receive payments bigger than $500. Lastly, I need all of you who is owed a payment for this, to email to me your paypal email address. That’s it! Thanks sooooo much all of you talented hard working people! I hope to bring in much more of this stuff. We actually have a few more (about 5?) to do right away. I’m going to post it on Bangari Content Studios’ private site. From now on, when new work is available, I’ll post the work requests and special instructions there. Then, Sally will create the Google docs, titling each. That’s where everyone will claim their article (one at a time) by know the drill.

After they are done being written, mark them as done, again renaming. Someone else can claim them to spin, or the same person it doesn’t matter. Just make sure you allow them to be looked over. Let the claiming renaming look something like this:

Fartjoy Room Deoderizer: Available to write
Fartjoy Room Deoderizer: Claimed to write by (Name)
Fartjoy Room Deoderizer: (Name) Completed writing
Fartjoy Room Deoderizer: Proofed by (Name) Available to spin
Fartjoy Room Deoderizer: Claimed to flat-spin by (Name)
Fartjoy Room Deoderizer: (Name) Completed flat spin
Fartjoy Room Deoderizer: Flat spin checked by (Name) Available to spin more
Fartjoy Room Deoderizer: Re-flatspin Claimed by (Name)
Fartjoy Room Deoderizer: Re-flatspin checked by (name) Available to spin more OR Done -ready to submit for payment.

I’m working on the “Management Hats” post...One of them will be for a flatspin manager/proofreader... This person is going to be in charge of hooking us up with a flat spinning robot, and knowing how to run it through for originality percentage.

I’m also working on an all inclusive flat spin post, to include everything I’ve learned about it over the last few weeks. Which, by no means is all you need to know. The “Proofing Manager” will need to take it from there, and onward!

Please, everyone leave a comment letting me know that their work is all input. The sooner everyone checks this the sooner I can submit this invoice and get us paid. Thanks! -Kevin


  1. Are these management positions going to be paid or do we only get paid for writing and spinning? I think your goal is to save money and time, but I am not sure that much time will be saved. It takes time to do what I do. It takes time to proof. It takes time to proof spinning. I didn't even count half the hours I put into this project because I didn't want to rob you blind. I think e eryone should know up front what they will be paid and I'f there is a cap on how much they will get paid on the jobs they do.

    I hope this works out as well as you hope it will. I kind of see the possibility for personality conflicts and differences of opinions getting out of hand. Kind if like the spinning fiasco. We got so much conflicting information like only 3 per bracket when Billys examples were mixed. So if we do like Billy did someone else may kick it back at us.

    I think that a specific routine for each job needs to be spelled out so that the team works like a high functioning unit. There must be communication.

    However, if anyone wants to do chewing out or to make a point I hope they will have the common decency to do so in private and not in front of the whe group. That would be like tour mama pulling your pants down and whipping your behind in public.

    I'm all fir transparency except for when you publically make someone feel like a target. These new people didn't know Carol from Adam's housecat. But one thing they do know is that she is a pain in the ass. That may be all well and good. But if someone newer on the team were called out as a pain in the ass they might not take it as well.

    You can call me a pain in the ass and I won't get mad. Someone's I practice being a pain. Not really. I just live you and it doesn't bother me.

    I said all of the above to say that maybe tempers shouldn't fly like they have in the past 'in public.". I'm sure you will disagree with me. That's okay too, but I hope everyone can show everyone here some common dignity. We all want to work and we all want to give and take respect.

    Muff said by me. I prolly said too much already.

  2. Dang typos are terrible. I hit the right keys. But this iPhone types it out wrong. I can't get to the docs so easy from my phone. Not getting good signal here incubus part of Lake George either so I can't use my wireless.

    Anywayway. Hope everyone is better off on this next project.

  3. Kevin I don't understand your last paragraph could you reexplain to me please.

    30 days or less will be fine by me. You are of course talking about from the time the project is fully completed and sent in right?

    I have been spoiled in getting money for contract work earlier than that but you are doing your best I understand that.

  4. I can see 12 to 15 days being acceptable, but I think a month is a little long for anyone who works to support a family to wait. I believe we all... Including Kevin deserve to be paid in a timely manner.

    Maybe in the future something could be done where batches of work gets done and sent for payment. I would think that money could be flowing in each week if it was executed properly.

    Even Trish had worked things out where people were getting paid each week and then something happened to throw a monkey wrench into that.

    I guess as long as we know in advance we have to wait a month we can learn how to manage. My problem is I need money now for when I get back to put food in the shop and to get the crashed computer out of the shop. I got a little mini laptop with my cash advance so I could work when needed.

    I'll be home tomorrow night I think. We are leaving NY at noon today. Will drive straight to Georgia.

    I know I'm not the o ly one who is not independently wealthy. Hope it all vets organized and flows right so no one is hurt financially.

  5. Thirty days seems like a long stretch to me as well. Hope things speed up in the future.

    Also due to the transparency in place, I also hope everyone will show his or her peers due respect. We are all attempting to make some money here by using the talents we possess. Yes, tempers will flare but I do believe that should be kept private between those directly involved.

  6. I totally agree Martha. We are all adults and we should be able to relate to each other as adults. Snapping at people shouldn't happen. I know I have to think how I say things sometimes... I don't mean any harm, but I might come across as grumpy... I try not to. Kevin reminded me to be gentle when I was managing the project because there was so much confusion.... I've tried to watch how I relate since then. If you ever feel that I come across harsh please feel free to tell me. Kevin does and I appreciate it.

  7. Just a PS on my last comment is that I used to try to be less direct... but for the sake of transparency I do try to be more direct while still being tactful.. I hope I manage that anyway. I learned from Carol to be more direct in what I say... I hope that is a good trait to have... I think it is... I still try to use tact though... and if I don't someone please tell me.

  8. I meant 30 days from the time the article was written. So, we started writing around twenty days ago, finished the last of them about a week ago, so if I can get us paid in the next 10 days, will you guys be happy?

    Make sure you go to the spreadsheet that the form generates, check that your numbers are right, and leave a short comment here that everything is okay (or not) Hurry, because I can't submit it until then.

    I'm a man who has made his living on fishing boats, Navy ships and construction sites. I'm obnoxious and vulgar. Sorry! However, I love people in general, and especially the people I work with, i.e: you guys! Acceptance and tolerance is a two way street. Of course we have a wide range of personalities here. I think we should have a sense of humor about it...It could be a "reality show" Let's not try not to vote anyone off the island! If we are in this to make money and accomplish something good, I have to tell you, "informal" is the way to go. If we are too polite, and business-like...we are going to lose a huge demographic. We are "older" adults, and if we act like "older" adults we are going to bore away a huge younger audience, that makes up the core of the Internet. Remember, the kid who invented Facebook still isn't even 30 yet. I'll try not to be too vulgar. Just let me know Sally...if you've had a muff. ;-) (see, I couldn't resist the vulgar joke! Forgive me?)

  9. Ooops an extra "not" ..Let's NOT vote anyone off...

  10. Yes Sally, we will get paid for wearing the "management hats". It will come out of the 25% mark up I charge on the .03 per word. However, we all need to be extra efficient in these tasks, because 25% doesn't go very far. I'm thinking we should set flat fees. That's why it's important to document accurate time for these tasks, never mind worrying about "robbing" me. (us)

  11. I will go on record as being OK with the 30 day time frame. That isn't really that bad as far as the publishing industry is concerned. Remember, it used to take months after submission to find out if material was accepted and then it could be several more months before it actually got published and alot of publishers wouldn't pay until after the stuff was in print. The internet has created a new venue for us to work in but it still cannot be the same as a 9-5 job. We act as independant contractors and will have to accept a certain amount of compromise between our needs and the reality of business.
    Beilieve me, I am no stranger to poverty. I have drug my ass into the factory for the last thirteen years six months (but who's counting?) just to try to provide for my wife and kid. I also know that until I become the next Hemingway I'll have to slum it out with you guys for awhile(Joking). We're on the ground floor so patience is a must at this point.
    Kevin, I have developed a great deal of respect for you over the past few months of our acquaintance. I think you are trying to bring internet content provision to a higher level than it has been done in the past. Pay your people well and you'll get quality writers. Writers that will put a creative spin on what they do rather than bog down the internet with more mindless attention getting shlock. I'm glad to be a part of the effort.

  12. PS to the above post- I believe I have all of the work I did on this project enetered into the books.

  13. all the work I did was entered in the books Sally did it before the payment schedule went on bangari and we had the form to fill out then she did it on the form as well. The very last article I wrote I did it on the form. It was one article, was I supposed to also transfer it to the books. I read that you were doing that.

  14. I have questions about the new articles. I claimed one. But I need to know where I am going on this.

    1- what is the word count for the article

    2 - Is it the same format, about us, social networking, and unique article

    3 - are the any new specifications that the client wants for this project.

  15. Kevin I cannot read the spreadsheet because it is too big it is too long on the page and it is a very cumbersome read. It is not that I don't know how. It cannot be adjusted to fit the screen, so it is not in normal view.

    The reason it can't be adjusted is because the writing has been made bigger for me due to my very bad eyesight.

    My son says I cannot have it both ways, either the content will not fit the screen in the normal way or if the the computer is adjusted to the right pixels etc, I will not be able to see a thing.

    Sally did all the spreadsheet work for me because of that.

    I assume all 11 articles are accounted for. I trust Sally but I cannot verify it myself because it is too hard adjusting everything I can read one side of the spreadsheet or the other but never both at the same time.

  16. Okay, just to clarify payday, can you offer an approximate date? I think that would be most helpful for everyone.

    I still have to check the spreadsheet and will do that ASAP.


  17. Almost forgot. I also claimed one article but it is impossible to write without more info. Tomorrow, I will be out of the house most of the day but can get to it after that.

  18. I just checked the spreadsheet and everything looks fine.


  19. Martha the problem is the posts are all over the place. Go to private and you will see the info for how to do the new articles

  20. Where do I go to claim a new article? Are there any new articles? I know that Carol is doing one on lawyers but I don't know where she got it from. I've been out of the loop for over a week so now I am lost as to where everything is. I am just spinning what Carol does because I don't know where anything is.

  21. Oh... and Kevin... I actually enjoy your humor... you are a lot like my brother I went to see in NY... he was also a Navy man... and he talks like a sailor Nuff said! hehe

  22. @ Carol... I don't know about your computer, but on the spread sheet there is a little tab on the bottom of the page you can slide to see the whole page. I have to slide it to see everything... not hard to take my mouse to slide my page over. I would think that all computers view things the same way, but one can't assume anything these days.
