Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Everyone needs access to the new Bangari Time and Money sheet

This is an informal post to you Kevin.  I have a very unhappy camper (Phill) who cannot get on to this form to do his bookkeeping. He says he is ready to give up.  I'm on chat with him trying to help him just wait until you can share it.  Not only that, but make sure that Phill knows how to use this form.  He gets frustrated and gives up very easily. He is a good writer and a good spinner.. we don't want to lose Phill.  He is really confused over the changes.

He also is upset that he didn't know he could spin something that didn't have his name on it. He hasn't spun any today because there was nothing more with his name on it. I've told him to jump in and take something that hasn't got a name on it. He is more used to being told what to do or what to take.. he's rather timid, I think... we need to be careful that we don't make things too hard and we lose him. He may need a little help getting used to this.

To end this up.. just please share that site with him.. he clicked on it and got that he needs permission to enter. Carol may need to work with him on how to enter his data into the form. Maybe once he sees it it will be self-explanatory.

We need him. He's good.

We have another issue at hand.  We are all supposed to be doing our own bookkeeping now.  I assume that means to transfer all of our old work on this project over to the new place.  I'm meeting resistance with this.  Carol complains that she can't do it because she has dyslexia.  She said she would pay me if she had to to do this for her.  It's not that I mind doing it for her, it is that I am working hard just like everyone else is, and it makes me responsible for her pay.  What if I get a number wrong?  It will be me that gets blamed.  If we are going to go autonomous... and do our own bookkeeping, then what do we do with the exceptions.  Do you pay me for the time it takes me to do it, or do you dock it out of Carol's pay?  I am asking this in an open forum, because this is what you want.. if I am not comfortable saying it in front of everyone.. I shouldn't say it at all.  Well... I feel I need an answer, so I will ask it in an open forum.

We have people who are either reluctant to get on board with this.. or reluctant to try and use the new system.  If a person can't get access to the system, that is one thing.. but if you can do it and just are scared to, that's another thing.  I have dyslexia too, but I am very careful. Still I can make mistakes.. would you rather make the mistake yourself, or have me make it for you?  I'm only human too... and I would rather not be responsible for other people's earnings if I don't have to.



  1. Hi Phil! I know it gets frustrating. Hang in there! I get pissed at this techie stuff too...and this blog is giving me some grief that I haven't had to deal with before with my other blogger blogs. Martha has accepted the "Website Manager" hat...give her a little time to take stock, but then she should be able to help you. Our client is reviewing our work now, so we have some time before we get paid. No screaming rush to get your work entered in the form. It is recorded on the docs for now. We'll get you straight before any payments are ready to be disbursed.

  2. I'm wondering if it might be the web browser that Phill is using. If your browser is not up to date, there can be issues with some things like this. Just a thought.

  3. A problem some people might be having with regard to logging in is that you need to have a blogspot site yourself. I figured that out the hard way! lol.
    go to http://www.blogspot.com and get a page - even if you just write about your grandmother's blue hair. lol Then when you want to post here, you hit the "sign in" at the top of this sites page. It will take you to your blog. Then add Bangari Content Studios to the blogs you wish to follow.
    You can then choose that blog to view and you will be able to post.

    This might also be why Phill cannot access the form to note his income record.

  4. Good advice Martha. However, post self promoting information on the blogspot. Remember, this is the Inter"net" Everyone needs to understand the importance and method of spreading info all over the Web, linking it together to make a big fishing net. It seems disorganized, but it's the way it is done. This is all improtant if the pasive income idea is going to be successful.
