Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Transparent Communications Philosophy

Good morning everyone,

First I would like to address this and because it is an extremely busy day here today, I will be placing inserts in red in the text to save me time and not fall behind on correspondence.

Hi Trish:

I realized that I already know you from contact with you on the web. I just can't remember specifically how or where though. You know me from White Schooner Publishing, PAM publishing, and Authors Den, plus a few other writing communities that we have both participated in.

Anyway, if you would reconsider working with us, I would welcome you as a member of our team. I know that you are highly talented and skilled when it comes to these types of projects, so please rethink your decision. We could really use someone of your high calibre.  Your letter from yesterday had nothing to do with the decision I made.  In fact, I made my decision before receiving your letter and although you have sent this request, it does not reverse my decision in any way.  Please see my notes below to Kevin.

All the Best,  Thank you for sending this!

From: Kevin Leland []
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2011 10:00 PM
To:; Beverly Mucha; kevin leland; Martha Jette; petal mashraki; Phill Senters; Richard Wassem; Sally Collins; Stephanie Mayberry; Teal Blackwell; winterose
Subject: Fwd: Big Mistake! I am SO SORRY!


Okay. I'm not above begging: Please reconsider! Sorry but at this stage of the game, I cannot reconsider this proposition, as there are too many issues to be worked out in your organization for me to consider tying my name to it.  This being said, I am not criticizing you or your group in any way, I am simply observing from the outsiders point of view, the comments, communication, organization, and content problems that have arisen since my involvement.  I feel that you need to better refine your position and how things will be handled. I've heard enough from you over the last few days to know that you are a class act! Thank you for this compliment, but if you understand this, you must honestly understand I am not willing to place my name on the line, at present, until I see some firm decisions made as to how things will be handled.  You are tenacious and honest, a stickler for detail who recognizes good performance, and you have a way about you that makes me think that you could promote my "no pyramid / group management" and "transparency" visions for this organization better than I can. You could do it with much more tact than I can anyway.  Your transparency vision.  Transparency I agree has its place, but I also understand that there are times when transparency can be a hindrance and not a help.  I have no problem with the theory myself, but I will take a minute to point out that in an open society where there are many people operating on equal footing, some people are not comfortable operating under this method, directly related to what happened yesterday. 

Although you urge this transparency, Martha obviously does not feel inclined to use it when it suits her needs not to (as will most others), or she would not have made the email to you personally (even though she accidentally send it to me) instead of voicing her true feelings publically. The problem with the transparency theory is it is all or nothing.  I have never found that to work simply because people who are pressured into it, although they may conform, they will never be happy with it and will continue to run behind others backs to make their point of view, which totally discredits the idea. (Martha – no offense intended)

I am a little bit different in my stance on this, as I believe if you have nothing nice to say about someone, don’t say it, and if you know you will hurt someone’s feelings when you don’t need to, then why voice it, while on the other hand, I have no qualms telling the person directly if I have a problem with them – but I tell them, not all their friends and peers, which is what will happen with your transparency theory…..that and before long, there will be so many hard feelings that the unit as a whole will no longer function as a team, due to the number of hard feelings built up between its members.

Open transparency, in my opinion, is only good if it is kept strictly geared to the work at hand and not to the people involved in it. I am not so sure your members can do that? In fact, my bet would be that the majority do not feel comfortable doing that???

I truly believe that you have the same intentions as I do, as far as making sure people get paid well, and getting the industry to cough up more money for our talents and efforts. I think you would be a "most valuable player" I don’t need to be a “most valuable player” on your team, I need to know your team can keep it together more than a few months, and to be perfectly “frank and honest”, I do not believe that will happen, as I am already seeing cracks in the mortar  on our team, and that is without even knowing what you bring to the table as far as clients and additional team members. You will find even if I do decide at some point to join your group of merry misfits (term of endearment, so don’t jump to conclusions) I will work with you to build a better place, but not offer to bring anything to the table, until I am sure as a group you can handle it without prejudice and problems.  You forget I have a well established name and I do not intend to have it dropped one notch by tying it to a group that so far has not pulled its act together.  I think you would balance me out, and help me win projects from clients that require a little more finesse than my sales style affords...Although you would be surprised that for certain clients, and certain situations, my way works better. Diversity is key!  This I have no doubt about at all.  Almost all people require different handling, depending on their personalities – something you might do well to learn – your own team is no different. 

Example:  Carol is a pain in the ass, but I have respect for her and tell her I love her.  Nice comment and although I too have found that to be true, on occasion, I am not so sure why other people in the group need to be made aware of this, or what it does to Carol’s credibility when new people to the group read this in your open communication.  I would think that it hurts the group as a whole, and will make new people not want to establish a working relationship with her because of the difficulty she is perceived to cause.  I have always found that although Carol and I have had our difficulties over the years, she also offers some intelligent choices and alternatives to solve the problems that have arisen.  (Carol, please excuse this, but I know you know this is meant to be helpful to the group, not mean or vindictive where you are concerned personally. You know I don’t believe airing dirty laundry in public is a good idea at any level).

We are still in the building stages here, and I see where you could be an important part of that as well. By your resume, it's obvious you have a ton of experience in this business, and from our conversations I can tell you have an ability to tell where things are going in this industry....nuff said.. I agree that you are building, but you are also operating in the public eye and right now from what I, personally, have seen – it needs some work.  You cannot build on the premise of bringing others in, if the ground rules are not established and that requires someone to lead, or a group to organize and set the parameters.  I don’t agree that there can be no leaders and all equals, and I defy you to show me an example where it has worked for any length of time.  Someone, a group of someone’s, has to take charge and lay the ground work and then continue to maintain it, if it is going to work.  You know the old adage…..”too many chiefs and not enough Indians” must have come from somewhere….

Pleeeeease join us! Sorry Kevin, but at the present time, I do not feel your group can live up to my expectations; therefore, I am not willing to jeopardize all that I have built, to date.  The price you are asking is too high!  Thank you and I wish your group the best with this huge undertaking. 

Sincerely, Trish


  1. Thanks Trish! This was very helpful. I don't blame you for waiting until we are more established, and have a proven business model, before joining forces. I was hoping for your help in establishing the parameters and "mission statement"...These words in red are a huge help to that end, so, thank you very much. It was honest and well thought out and states some excellent counter points. I'll answer to them, and I encourage the rest of the "Merry Misfits" (yes, definitely endearing!) to join in, and get this done!

    Transparency: All or nothing. Absolutely correct! These words from Trish are a perfect example of how words that might be considered somewhat negative can be published openly and respectfully, without hurting anyone's feelings. That's called "constructive criticism."

    I disagree that constructive criticism needs to be aired privately. Maybe in a boss/subordinate scenario...but not in an "equal partners" environment like we are trying to create here.

    To me, Factoidz was a perfect example of this type of platform. As some of the originals may remember, it worked perfectly until the founder got greedy, acted like a tyrant, and destroyed it. This is why as founder of Bangari, I don't want that ability. I leave myself open to be accepted into or cut loose from the team as easily (or not so easily) as anyone else. I don't have to worry about a mutiny, cuz I'm not a captain!

    Time will tell if this "all indians and no chiefs" model can work. I think it can. I know many of you are uncomfortable with the "say it to the team or don't say it at all" approach, but try to get used to it. I have circulated every email I believe, so even when certain correspondence wasn't intended for everyone, it was seen by everyone anyway. I don't think anyone cried themselves to sleep, or intends to quit the, so far so good!

    Let's keep working at it until we all get comfortable being able to constructively criticize each other as well as praise and compliment each other...publicly. It's the wave of the future thanks to social networking. No one should be ashamed of being who they are, even if that is a "Charlie in the Box" LOL... Proud to be your fellow Merry Misfit! - Kevin

  2. Hi
    I have a few thoughts about all the posts I have read lately:
    • Kevin whether you like it or not and however you care to call yourself you are the {leader|organizer|boss|manager|owner} of this. The idea of running this like a kibbutz could work but even a kibbutz has a member's council which discusses and makes some of the decisions, and puts things to a vote and appoints people to assignments – and other functions. So whatever title you take you are our "founder and organizer".
    • About Trish: Are we at the stage where we need new writers, especially if they have issues. She seems to be doing well without us, and we are just at the beginning of the road so I don't think we should be pleading for her to join. Maybe at a later stage when (hopefully) we are overwhelmed with the amount of work we have and can't handle it!
    • The same point leads me to want to vote "no" to the proposed vote. We don't have so much work that we need to worry about not coping with the workload, so why make decisions about taking on new writers. Maybe later. Also the idea that the newbies would have to be trained and supervised in the beginning is going to come up against exceptions to the rule (i.e. if someone like Trish joined she wouldn't need training) and if we start making exceptions it will be like rating who is good enough. What if instead every article, no matter who writes it, has to pass through the hands of another writer on the team before being submitted. For spell checking, spin checking whatever, another pair of eyes. This would be a more democratic/kibbutz attitude. Rules would have to be established about how many articles you have to "give the once over" in order to be fair. Maybe for every article you write you have to "look over one".
    • The organization does need organizing, a chain of command, which doesn't mean there is a "commander" it simply means there is a system in place and everyone has a role.
    • This blog is public, right? If so even though you want our comm. to be transparent surely we don't want our potential clients reading all our inner squabbles and "constructive criticism". We need a transparent forum for members/writers not one for the whole web to see.

  3. A kibbutz! Yes! I've always wanted to be a part of one of those. Are you Israeli, Petal? Tuviah Friedman, The Nazi Hunter, an Israeli, personal hero of mine, passed away recently. I dreamed of going to Israel to meet him someday. :-( I like "founder." If this thing becomes what I'm envisioning, I would be proud of that title.

    Trish: Right, bad form on my part to beg. You'll see, I'm often over dramatic. She would have brought us clientele, and I did really like her style. Maybe later.

    Newbies: Good points, but I want to carry that discussion over to that post, but it's gone. We were making good progress too. (I can't see it from my house) can you get to it?

    Systems and roles: Yes, of course. Let's work on establishing that. I'll start a tread with where we are so far. I would be thrilled if we could get them in place before we roll on the next batch of work. The work is in the wings, however, we are at a point where if I have you guys do much more I can't cover the bill, should I not receive a payment for some reason. I'm sure it will be fine, however I need to be sure I can cover you all even if the wort case happens. The stuff coming up will be more funner than this project was!

    Visible Squabbles: I agree. Let's hide the squabbles in Bangari Content Studios, the private site where we keep our clients correspondence private as well (competitive counter intelligence). Let's have the positive, developmental and educational discussions here.

  4. I'm now Israeli but not originally. In fact I was thinking you could also offer translation services as I can do Hebrew to English and I see some writer/s is from Canada so maybe French as well.
    So should we all be having these discussions on the Bangari Content Studios private site, can you remind me of the URL please.

  5. I'm fascinated with that country for so many reasons...We could talk for days! Here is the link, but I can't understand why links don't show up "hyper-text" in comments...any answers anyone?

    We won't have conversations like this (positive and informative) on the private site...I'll explain why in a future post. It's a brilliant reason though, you'll see! (gotta praise myself sometimes too, huh? lol)

    I almost got a shot at Spanish translation on this job...

    I've got a super idea for Hebrew translation too that is very intriguing...has to do with countering corporate espionage -Could be a big pay-off as well as a very patriotic endeavor for an Israeli.

  6. I saw the proposal this morning on the bangari site. I can't remember where but I saw it. I'm just on this iPhone so it's a little hard to go Bach and get a URL.

    I don't think we are at the point where we need to bring new people in right now. The reason I am here is to work, help you grow this company, and to make a living. There would be Bo point of me being here if there wasn't enough work to go around. Too many writers and not enough work. We started out as the three musketeers and now we have grown out to be much more.

    I think we have enough writers for the work we have. If we need mire writers for mire projects that is another thing entirely.

    I like the proposal for mentoring. But I think it needs to be for people who have no experience with professional web writing. If a writer has never had experience with writing for robots or flat spinning then we mentor them. If they have a certain amount of experience (that would need to be determined) we mentor them for 10 articles.

    I guess that is all I have to say. I want to support your vision, kevin. I don't agree with everything but I can live with it. You can call me a pain in the ass publically because I know I can be. It wod be the truth. I know you live me like a sister. Not everyone is comfortable with it. I think these 'endearing' names should be only used on people who won't be offended by them.

  7. Please forgive the typos. It's the iPhone writing what it wants to. I hit the right letters but it comes out wrong. I can't see well enough to see my typos until after I publish what I wrote.


  8. Oh that proposal is on this site. It is visible to me. I just saw it again.
